View Full Version : monitoring my body...how to reassure my self.

01-05-11, 22:55
i have made massive improvements on my anxiety or have i?
I'm currently away for the weekend and by god out of my comfort zone.
I have achieved so much to be here and being here. BUT
i can't except this cos on Friday i had a massive panic attack.

Any way point to my thread i can't stop noticing every body change. pins and needle weird niggle pain and ache. everything
how do i stop. how do i learn to reassure myself that I'm ok and not dropping dead?

also as any one ever had weird breathing things. Yawning when you foot don'tneed to and this weird thing. i don'tno how to explain its like a dry mouth and i can't breathe i left swallowing but not able to it feels scary? x

any advice on anything in the above would be really appreciated please.

01-05-11, 22:58
The dry mouth of anxiety makes swallowing uncomortable as there really isn't enough saliva at that point. So the throat can feel sticky. Basically we swallow when there is something to swallow, Sips of water helps a lot.
Off breathing is anxiety too. Probably the first one that tends to strart off the other symptoms.
Hope you feel better.

01-05-11, 23:19
Thank you. on phone but sure read a post a while ago on swallowing search is not workinon my phone so will look tomorrow.

i sit monitoring my breathing i no there is not anything wrong but i don't believe it.
i really believe I'm gong to stop breathing tonight. can we do this. .

i don't Dr Google but i have itchy fingers at the moment. is my breathing going to stop? am igoing to die tonight i really believe i am.

01-05-11, 23:37
Oh honey :) You won't stop breathing. You absolutely can't. It's impossible. Breathing is a reflex action and will happen when you're not thinking about it, no matter what. Try to relax (easier said than done, I know:D) Big hugs. xx

01-05-11, 23:55
Thank you chick.

im scared who do i law here thinking i have just stopped. no gasping just stopped and my heart just stored and that me laid dead not breathing or anything. when watc my breathing i can feel it its lik doing something weird. double breathing or something. I'm scared

02-05-11, 13:40
You are fine, please believe me. I sat in a chair this morning for half an hour rolled up on a ball of anxiety and fear so I know what you're going through. I am willing to bet my house you haven't died in the night. Let's all beat this together, you have my support my love.

02-05-11, 14:06
Thank u its a pain cos I make improvments then I get symptoms of breathing so annoying xx

02-05-11, 14:14
I make massive steps forward and then it drags me back in (what's that line in The Godfather? 'Everytime I get out they drag me back in? :) ).

For a few weeks I'm ok and then I will notice something and BOOM!! I'm making patterns in my head, tying up the pieces and convincing myself I'm dying. For me, I've noticed that I sabotage myself when things are good-no idea why, it's like 'this day is wonderful but something bad will happen because only bad things happen to me'.

Right now I'm waiting for my nose to start bleeding again which will herald the start of leukemia-I mean how ****ing crazy is that? You've got to laugh at yourself sometimes. :)

02-05-11, 18:20
Rosi, that is just me too! I move from fear of having one disease only to be told it's nothing. Fine for a few weeks, then fear moves onto another symptom/disease. As my mother so nicely puts it ' if it's not your arse, it's your elbow!' lol. And i know what you mean about it being crazy I find when i actually write it down and read it, it just seems ridiculous...but that feeling never lasts! sigh

02-05-11, 18:48
i completely know how you feel, even today i managed to walk down the street to my dads (slowly) and when i got there and sat down i was noticing i was breathing fast and listening to if i have any wheezingg sounds from my chest and of course my heart was breating really fast, and i just say got through that but coming up where i had to walk up a slight hill only for like 5 minutes i had a complete panic attack and i had to go back to my dads and he gave me a lift home. I just felt like i couldnt breathe at all and i started to feel like i was losing my mind, i also focus on my swallowing alot - i sometimes go to swallow and i cant and i ind myself trying to swallow over and over again! Its strange how you can feel like to yourself that your the only one who could experience this and how nobody understands when you tell them - when in reality it seems to be a very common thing which is why i feel that this site is of some reasurrance.
If you ever want to talk feel free to message me anytime.

02-05-11, 20:56
yeah hunni its the saame here.
im so fed up of thinking i cant breathe..i want my klife back now xx

02-05-11, 21:43
I used to be terrible. Every ache or pain and I would freak out. I would sit there monitoring it all day, the same with a mark on my skin, a bruise on my leg, if my nose bled or my gums...... I used to run to the GP at the drop of a hat over anything. Now my GP tells me off for leaving things for weeks on end, lol! I found a lump a while ago, I knew it wasn't anything sinister but when I told my GP i had it 5 weeks he laughed but I think he was glad to see I am not the worrier I used to be running there as soon as I get the slightest change.

I still struggle to go away from home at times, but again that is getting better and I have just booked a holiday to Australia for next year. That will be throwing me out of my comfort zone 110%!! but it is a challenge, and a country we have always wanted to visit, so I won't let this anxiety beat me any longer.

You won't stop breathing, it isn't possible. Your body will breath for you, you can't just suddenly stop breathing.

When you have a panic attack it is normal to feel tight in your throat, your breathing changes and you become more aware of it. I also yawn alot when I am anxious, which is strange, I am not sure why that happens, lol!