View Full Version : Coming off Citalopram

02-05-11, 11:30
My name is Catherine. I suffered from debilitating panic attacks for many years which got so bad that I had to withdraw from my masters programme.
I was taking 60mg of citalopram and also atelonol, xanax and stilnoct, which helped a lot. I also received CBT which really helped me manage my panic attacks.
During the time I was on Citalopram I gained 3 stone very quickly going from a size 10 to a size 14.
I have now reduced my citalopram to 10mg and am completely off the other meds, I still have anxiety but can manage it through the coping techniques learnt through CBT.
I would really like to come completely off the citalopram and was wondering how others have coped coming off 60mg and how quickly they managed to do so. Also if anyone else has experienced significant weight gain on this medication?
Many thanks,

02-05-11, 11:32
Hi scottishcat

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
02-05-11, 11:43
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

02-05-11, 14:00
HI catherine and :welcome:to NMP ..As Paul says there is a forum for Citalopram . You will find plenty of useful info about coming off by reading through Members posts .Its always advisable to taper off slowly to avoid bad withdrwals .The last dose is the hardest part .Im currently coming down by reducing 5mg a time and am now on 15mg .So far so good . How long have you been on 10mg ? Sue x

03-05-11, 00:34
Hi Sue,
Thank you for your reply. I have reduced to 10mg for three weeks now, I found the reduction from 20mg to 10mg quite difficult, but it is getting a bit better :)

03-05-11, 16:14
Thanks for replying .Glad you are starting to feel better .If you would like some help with regards to coming off .Start a Thread on the Citalopram forum and I will post further to you there ..luv Sue x:hugs:

10-05-11, 22:42
Thanks Sue:)