View Full Version : I can't do this anymore !!!!

02-05-11, 13:07
Hi There, i have posted a few times before and thought i was getting better !
I have had bowel problems which started when i thought i saw blood in my pooh, which looking back now i'm not sure if it was. Since then i have had blood tests, sigmoidoscopy and a barium enema, most of them at my request, all of which have come back negative. My problems now are diarrohea, which i thought i was getting on top of, but now today apart from the usual rush to the toilet i now have really watery diarrohea aswell which has now sent my anxiety sky high again. I am fed up of this now and really do not know which way to turn anymore. I am having cbt but it dosn't seem to be sinking in. Please could somebody offer some advice ? xxxxx

02-05-11, 13:19
Hi there sorry you are having a bad time ,i know how you feel i have been having stomach issues as well but at the top.It def is anxiety i have got worse and worse over the last few weeks with pure worry and it just makes the symptoms so bad.I had the same as you a few years ago with my bowels running to the toilet every hour but once i got a hold of the fear and realised it was all nerves it went.I wish i could do that now but it seems harder this time.Just try and remember our stomachs are the first things to go once the anxiety sets in and then its just a vicious circle.I hope you a wee bit better.kind regards molly xx

02-05-11, 13:44
Thanks for your reply Molly, it's so hard to keep going sometimes, i guess today is just a bad day ! I have a doctors appointment on Thursday, which seems ages away !!! so i will have a chat to her. Just wish i could stop obsessing over this, like i said i thought i was getting better then out of the blue i feel like i'm back to square 1 !!! xxx