View Full Version : Bah....this sucks

02-05-11, 15:02
So I'm sitting at the table last night, having eaten the healthiest meal I've eaten in... at least a year ( two morning star farms chicken veggie patties with a slice of tomato on the top of each) reading a book and BOOM....
the "can't breath as my heart pauses and then rapid fire heartbeats". I lean take a deep breath in and out and it stops. I dash to the medicine cabinent and take a diazepam I calm down. I've felt it coming all day but was able to handle it until about 8 last night.:wacko:

This sucks, now I'm sitting here at work and here it comes again

Maybe I need to make an appointment with a shrink and get it over with. We just had a baby in November(after years of trying), my 13 year old daughter is bi-polar and was hospitalized three times last year, and almost once this year. I don't want to go to work (I work for a Hutt) the only enjoyment in life I get is my family, my few friends and my bands that I'm in (which my all my friends but one are in). The rest of it is just crap.

02-05-11, 15:38
I completely know where you are coming from. I am the same, could just be sitting playing with the kids or watching a film etc and it will come over me and i will suddenly feel like i cant breathe and then panic because i cant breathe.

Dont put yourself down.. your bount to be under a lot of stress. I would go to your doctor and ask if you could see someone regular or ask about CBT (if you havnt already had any of that etc)

18-05-11, 20:28
Update: Went to the doc on monday and we discussed my ongoing anxiety issues and some of the depression I'm having from it, and he gave me zoloft. 2 days later.... I feel TOTALLY different. I know your mileage may vary but it seems to help me a lot.