View Full Version : Holiday panics...

02-05-11, 16:37
Hi all,

I'm off on holiday next week and I'm starting to feel the dreaded anxiety cloud over me. I should be overly excited at the prospect of spending 2 weeks with my boyfriend in a hot country but I'm panicky. My Mum worries immensely about me which, in turn, makes me worry about her worrying. I don't know what else I'm worried about...I'm just feeling panicky. Does anyone else get this? :ohmy:

02-05-11, 20:17
Hi Munki

I often have anxiety about going away. I prefer to have my usual routines in many ways, they feel cosy and familiar. Holidays are actually causes of stress - you usually enjoy them once you get there and have a lot of nice memories afterwards, but the planning and uncertainty beforehand causes plenty of anxiety. If other people in the family are worrying about you as well it makes it even worse!

I am dead boring these days. I dont tend to go far and use the same organisations as I find this reduces my anxiety. Just accept that it IS stressful for you going away, but you will feel better once you're there and will be pleased you went afterwards.


02-05-11, 20:31
I agree with Tyke. I've only been abroad once since 1997 and it frustrates me when other people are jetting off all over. My stresses are always about the journey itself. Planning trains times to the minute to make sure I'm not stranded. Worried about being stuck in queues, plane getting delayed, getting lost etc etc.

If you can, enjoy as much of the holiday as you can between being anxious about going and coming home :)

02-05-11, 21:26
Hi Munki

Sorry to hear about your difficulties. I went through this and began to restrict my travels. This actually put me in a downward spiral as I couldn't really see the point of working if something that was supposed to be enjoyable was taken away from me. It also caused tension in my marriage.

I have just returned from a two week trip to Washington which is something I have been putting off for two years at least. And it was fine. The key was to calmly and rationally plan ahead and break everything down into small manageable tasks. And above all I have learned to accept that whenever hiccups happen one way or another I can overcome them.

I have also learned that there is nothing wrong with taking choices which eases the anxiety e.g we taxi now to the airport so if there are problems with traffic we are with "a professional".

I hope you have a great time. The more you do it the easier it gets!

03-05-11, 14:30
Thanks so much everyone. I am panicking but I suppose it's part of who we are, doesn't make it any easier though does it :weep:

I think the fact that I've just learnt to swim confidently again makes me more nervous though I seem to forget that no-one can force me to do anything. My partner is just a big fan of watersports which doesn't make life easier per se. However, I'm up for anything apart from surfing so I can leave him to do that alone. These little things consume me and make me dread the holiday though. I panic I'll end up in a situation where I embarrass myself because I don't want to do something. Textbook anxiety eh. How can I switch off and start to actually look forward to it without a feeling of dread and doom?

03-05-11, 15:34
Hi Munki

Does your partner know how you are feeling? You might feel better if you have a chat with him about it as he may well be able to reassure you. He would probably hate to think you have all these anxieties and keep it to yourself.

Do whatever you can to make it that little bit less stressful beforehand. Have everything ready in good time etc so that you can minimise any extra worries. You WILL enjoy it (once you get there)!


03-05-11, 20:19
Someone once told me that a good holiday is worth a year's therapy!! I never look forward to going away, but when I get there I seldom want to come home :)

Be extra prepared and minimise stress by having everything ready and a route worked out, and all your bits of paper printed. Make sure you arrive at the airport with plenty of time to chill out, maybe get something to eat or wonder round the shops.
And don't forget to take a good book, a sun hat, and whilst your man is wrestling with waves you can chill out on the beach. Or buy a lilo! Then you can dip your toes in the water without using the energy to swim ;)

As for worrying about your mum, you can call her to say you arrived safely, and text messages are an easy way to stay in touch :)

04-05-11, 09:46

I was going to post the same question....im about to book a holiday and im scared i will have an anxiety attack and start my usual gagging/sick feeling. Although i am up for a holiday and its needed, i too hate being out of my comfort zone and away from my home and family...
has anyone been on holiday and got through it?
I went on holiday last july and really enjoyed it, but my anxiety wasn't at its full height then!
sarah : (

04-05-11, 09:54
I've just returned from a week in the Scottish Highlands. I was quite relaxed until we started driving up mountains and the anxiety set in, but I talked it over with my boyfriend, who was driving, and he calmed me, drove slowly and it was fine. Then we went walking up a mountain, coming down I started to get panicky again, so I told him, he held me hand and gently walked me down.

I think, if you can, when you get that feeling, just say so, whoever you're with should be understanding enough to help you through it.

P.S. The shot of whiskey at the end of the night helped also :winks:

05-05-11, 01:16
Thanks again guys. You're superstars.

It's always good to talk these things through. I think my biggest issue is that I'm a perfectionist and I'm not satisfied with simply being able to do something, I have to be a master. Obviously, this is impossible. I'm very sporty and have been involved in several sports all of my life and I think the swimming thing is something I've just built up too much. I went today and I was fine but I still panic when I'm treading water even though I know I can do it! I think I've actually developed a fear of deep water which is something that strong swimmer friends of mine also have (making it somewhat normal!).

Ridiculous as it sounds I just don't want to end up in a situation when we're on a boat or something and everyone jumps in! I actually picture this in my mind and assume that it's going to happen. I worry that I'll be the only one who doesn't go in and will look boring. I've built it up so much and it may not even happen.

Holidays are VERY stressful. I'm worrying about my mom worrying about me and something bad happening ie the water thing! I fully plan to go in the pool as I love to. It's just the jumping in the sea fear :wacko:

Am I blowing this out of all proportion?

05-05-11, 10:58
munki , i have always had a fear of water, and a fear of drowning, i can sort of swim, i get by, but im not confident at all and will never go out of my depth. I went on holiday a few years ago with friends that were all good swimmers, they all did the jumping in off the boat on trips and into the pool, but they understood that i didnt really want to so i just took the photos! i did brave the sea and when we did a boat trip i wore a rubber ring, climbed in via the ladder and snorkeled! i felt really chuffed and my friends were great and didnt stray too far! i still remember it now. ive also done it on holidays since without rings and in deeper seas, people understand, not everyone can swim, i love boats, just not the sea!you will not appear boring, but if you want to go in, just go slowly and hang on to the side. I still cant jump in, i never will, i love pools but always go in the shallow end, and i cant go underwater, but theres so much else to do, theres always those rubber things and lilos to use!!
i'll always remember my little snorkelling experience in cyprus and i have photos to prove it!!

16-05-11, 01:20
Hello - I'm new here and stumbled on this post.

I've been suffering lately with generalized panic/anxiety and just came back from a week in Hawaii. I was so worried about the trip beforehand because I had just started on Propranalol and worried about its side effects while overseas and so far away from my comfort zone. I did have some panicky feelings, but I did get through the trip and I was so proud of myself. It wasn't easy for me, so it felt like a be step in the right direction. I hope to one day be able to do the things I enjoy without having to feel the anxiety.

Hawaii was beautiful and I'm so glad that I hung in there and took the trip.

Have a great holiday and hoping you post about your fabulous vacation once you return :D