View Full Version : Hello !

02-05-11, 16:45
Hi, my name is deb and im 36, i have suffered with myself for over 20 years. I have always had my own ways of coping with anxiety and depression, weired thoughts and self hatred and worthlessness. I have kept alot from my family as my mum suffers the same type of things and spent time in hospital many years ago( before i was born) i had made it my mission to not turn out like her but it seems i failed at that also. As the years have gone by i have isolated my self from others , i dont socialise or go out unless i realy have to. I do not have any friends cos they just use you and i cant stand people looking and talking about me.
The last psyical relationship i had was around 12 years ago and i dont miss it if im honest.its just to much hasstle and heart ache. Any way i mustered up the courage to go to the docs and told him some of the things i suffer. Im now on citalopram and was refered to a cpn,what will that do? I am affraid to tell them some things . This is the first time i have ever sought any type of help. And would be glad of your words of wisdom and experiance. xxx

02-05-11, 16:48

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-05-11, 18:23
hi deb
cant really give you any advice or wisdom just to say you are not alone ;(
the only advice i would give is if you talk to any doctors etc please tell them everything it sometimes helps more than you know just to get your emotions out into words
take care,,janet x