View Full Version : Worried I'm starting the menopause

02-05-11, 16:59
I have had heavy periods since I first started them, a few years ago I went on the pill to help them but the pill made them worse so my Dr changed my pill. I am now on Loestrin 30 and have been for about 2 years. This pill did lighten my periods slightly and regulated them so they come every 28 days but they were still quite heavy and very painful the first 2 days.

For about the past 5 months though I have had really really light periods suddenly for no reason. The pain is there on the day I am due to start then when I have started it goes away to nothing or barely a thing which isn't normal for me as even on the pill I am usually in a lot of pain for the first 2 days and very heavy (I usually take the full 8 cocodomol for 2 days). The other thing that has changed is my PMS has got worse even though my periods have got better.

Nothing has changed other than I am taking a B Complex because of my periods but they shouldn't change things that much. I am on antidepressants (less than 2 weeks in). I know depression and stress can change your periods but I was diagnosed with that the first time about 4 years ago so don't think it's that.

I am just really worried I could be starting the menopause. I have just turned 31 and have no kids yet so I really hope it's not that. I did a home test for menopause and it says I am ok but it does say it can give a false negative if on the pill which I am so I don't trust it. Also no chance at all I can be pregnant.

Should I be worried?

02-05-11, 18:24
hello Cat :)

no ...........you should not worry at all :hugs: I am no doctor ...........but am older....been on the pill ...........and through menopause I bloody hope so !!

your cycle and periods will change through your life Cat .......the pill is in some ways a false bleed ............but like our mood can change each month. Cant tell you how often my monthly cycle changed :blush:. sometimes very different . not going into detail here ..............but everything about it. everything xx

your periods tend to get heavier not lighter in the menopause ........but like everything in life :mad:.........we are all unique . but you I think should not worry .xx

02-05-11, 18:29
I've had two tests for the menopause and they've both come back negative (I'm 44). Why don't you pop in the doctors just to set your mind at rest. They just need to take a blood sample. I have night sweats and flushes but I know now they are just my panic attacks. My periods and PMS have changed too. I now get my PMS symptoms when my period has started, not before. And my periods are getting closer together. Worry and stress are probably whats causing your periods to change :).

03-05-11, 11:06
Thank you both :)

I will try and relax and just put it down to my stress and depression. I will mention it when I go to my Dr just incase but hopefully nothing to worry about

paula lynne
03-05-11, 11:40
Hi Cat! Im 40, and for 2 years have suffered with palpataions, pins and needles, hair loss (brittle and thin)..while hair grows out of my chin (so sexy)...my skin is dry, my periods are heavier, my migraines have increase.....all these things are indicative of menopause. Except, my test was normal!!! I couldnt believe it...but Im HOT! I scream at my doctor, Im getting night sweats too......but it just goes to show that us girls and our hormones are a strange thing doesnt it! As you say, try not to worry too much, and mention it to your Doctor next time you are there. Best wishes, Paula x:winks: