View Full Version : New user in a panic over taking my meds

02-05-11, 17:04
Hi everyone, Ive had Propranolol tablets in my cupboard for over a month not daring to take due to reading their side effects.....typical me having a panic over anxiety tablets!! Im off on my hols next week and have finally taken a tablet an hour ago. My attacks usually cause me nausea and being sick is the one thing I panic about the most, hence my worrying about their side effects. Dizzyness is a friend of mine anyway thanks to vertigo.
Did anyone else panic over taking their meds? My heart was racing as I took it but I seem ok now, maybe theyre working :-)

02-05-11, 17:07
Hi muttley1968

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-05-11, 18:06
Hi I took propranolol a couple of years ago. I took 40mg three times a day. They didn't make me feel sick. I only had to cut them down bacause they made me lethargic and my manager at work kept bullying me as I was slow:mad:When I cut them down they didn't seem to help much so I got help from a psychological therapies service instead. I've scared myself silly before reading the possible side effects of my prescriptions but propranalol could be just right for you. When I started taking them they helped me so much. They might help you to enjoy your holiday more. Hope you have a great time:)

02-05-11, 18:09
Aren't they just beta blockers? i was on those once. Didn't suffer any side effects. they deal with the physical signs of anxiety, but don't help with the obsessive thoughts, so not really for me i'm afraid. I would definately give them ago though, just to see.

Vanilla Sky
02-05-11, 22:41
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x