View Full Version : Improv class, the right thing to do?

02-05-11, 20:16

I've been suffering from anxiety for awhile now, social anxiety being a part of that, I've been through a good few years of hell, but even though the anxiety is getting better, it seems to have left me with crippling depression, lonliness & feeling like I'm no longer the happy, bright, friendly, funny person I once was... :(

Through the anxiety, I've distanced myself from most of my friends & I just feel like I want to get there, because if I don't, it'll drive me mad!
So I've signed up for an improv class, I love comedy & have been wanting to do it for ages, but it starts saturday & the worry is making me ill. I really want to do it, but the anxiety is telling me 'No, I you can't do, you won't be able to, you'll look stupid & it'll be a disaster'

I just don't know what to do, part of me thinks I'm rushing in too fast but part of me thinks that's exactly what I should be doing.

I really could do with some help guys...any advice would be so appreciated right now. Thanks. :bighug1:

02-05-11, 20:29
Hi there

What I would do in this situation is go along to the first one and see how it goes. Tell yourself that you are under no obligation to go back again if you don't think you are up to it. Plenty of people drop out of courses all the time. That should make going to the first one a bit easier and if you do manage to get there and stick it out, the next one will probably be easier still. If it's something you're interested in its well worth a try, what have you got to lose?


02-05-11, 20:35
This is a really brave move! Sometimes it's good to push yourself into scary territory. I have tried this and whilst the build up of anxiety was unbearable, when I finished I was left thinking 'Oh, that wasn't so bad'. As Tyke says, don't feel you are committed to anything big. I sometimes try things without telling friends or family and then I know if it doens't really work out, I can just regroup and try again later! I really hope it goes well for you.

05-05-11, 19:13
Well, I've done nothing but worry about it all week. I'm soooo close to emailing them & telling them I won't be going to the classes, the closer I leave it, the worse it's going to be. I just keep changing my mind.

What do I say when I tell them I can't make it? I'll look even worse. I can't even think of a way to get out of it. The person who runs is kind of my friend too & I don't want to upset her.
Part of me doesn't want to get out of it. I want to go, it's only for 2 hours...for 8 weeks. So 16 hours in total, surely I can get through 16 hours?

It's just the anxiety beforehand is killing me. :(
I would go along to first one & then not bother if I find it too hard but it's going to be costing me 80 quid, which is payable on the first day so I'll lose 80 quid if I don't carry on with it...which I can't afford to do right now :(