View Full Version : Does anyone have trouble reading

02-05-11, 22:17
The "text speak" posts on here?? Please believe me I am in no way being critical of anyone who posts in this way and maybe it is only me being a slight old fogey (49):) but I find it really hard to understand these posts and tend to give up reading them. I was just wondering if anyone else is like me with them and gives up half way through whether this is affecting how many replies people who use this text get. As I said I may be the only one who is in old fogey mode but would just like to know if I am alone in this:D

02-05-11, 22:23
I find them hard too. I've been in the chat rooms a couple of times and find it hard to keep up. I have to keep googling the abbreviations:)

02-05-11, 22:25
I find it difficult to read text speak, I don't even use it when sending a text.

At 31, don't think I'm an old fogey yet but it does hurt my eyes :wacko:

02-05-11, 22:26
The ones I find worse are the non stop torrents of misery. No full stops or puncutation. like this...

"please hlep im in huge panic on citalopram husband going out now dont know what to do im on my own i went to the cinema today and it was great and i like fish but i dont like shell fish they make me panic now im thinkin about shell fish and panicin what can i do im also 20 years old with no heart problems or anythin but im anxious and i get depressed and now im afaraid of beans and beans make me sick probs cuz im alergic to nuts and they make me swell up and itch im all itchy now it mte be hayfever coz some plant makes my eyes itch and my nose run or maybe ive got a braiun tumour now im well scared....." bla bla bla

and then all anyone can really say is "don't worry hun get better soon xxx"

03-05-11, 07:57
I think that sadly it's a sign of the times we live in.

Grammer and punctuation appears to have been lost somewhere along the line. I had a feeling things were getting bad years ago when I noticed people were typing/texting 2 instead of to and 4 instead of for.

Anyone noticed how some kids nowadays also talk like 'rap' artists and end most of their sentences with "innit"?

I don't think that we are being old fogeys or snobbish. I for one would like to see the days when people had more manners and spoke and typed in a more comprehensible manner return.

However, tis long past the hour of the cock crow, and time to put on my doublet and hose. Forsooth, my butler hath been found with thy scullery maid again and the north wind doth blow with such wretched vigour.

Sirs, Ladies, I bid you Good Day.


03-05-11, 09:32
Hahaha Horse:D

Another one I've noticed people using is 'da' instead of 'the'...drives me bonkers!

paula lynne
03-05-11, 11:27
Ha ha Horse you make me laugh!
I think that while text speak is hard work, when a person is in full blown panic, spelling goes out the window as they are trying to get as much information down as fast as possible. The text speak is similar to the thoughts they are having as they are having them.
However, for a general enquiry when panic isnt an issue, its a sign of the times I think. Im only 40, but I guess I join the fogey list when this happens!


Horse....more on the butler and scullery maid if you please kind Sir......:D

03-05-11, 14:25
The "text speak" posts on here?? Please believe me I am in no way being critical of anyone who posts in this way and maybe it is only me being a slight old fogey (49):) but I find it really hard to understand these posts and tend to give up reading them. I was just wondering if anyone else is like me with them and gives up half way through whether this is affecting how many replies people who use this text get. As I said I may be the only one who is in old fogey mode but would just like to know if I am alone in this:D

Hi, Yes, it is a sad fact of the education system nowadays, unfortunately that grammar doesn't seem to be thought of with the same importance as it used to be. It can only get worse unless it is stamped out, but with all the technology nowadays, I feel that is unlikely to happen.

03-05-11, 17:09
Thanks everyone and as usual a good old laugh at horses post. I did not want to mention the terrible spelling and lack of punctuation but thankfully you have all done it for me:). I can understand the transposed letters when we type I do it all the time and sometimes forget to correct them but its obvious that some of the younger posters really cannot spell and its such a shame but as you all say indicative of our education system at the moment.

Guess who is now going have to be very careful in posting for spelling mistakes:D:D

04-05-11, 09:29
Paula Lynne.
Behave yourself fair maiden!