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02-05-11, 22:45
So fed up at the moment. Been so stressed just lately with one thing or another and I'm sure it's making my HA much worse. I feel like my days are a roller-coaster of emothion. One minute I feel dreadful and think I'm dying of this or that and the next minute I'm fine and tell myself to stop being silly.

Today for instance my day went like this:Woke up feeling groggy as usual. Probably just dehydrated, but automatically start thinking what is wrong with me? why do I wake up feeling like this? Then I got up, had some water and went downstairs. At this point I felt fine, but then I had some toast and straight away started to feel horrible again because I have some weird insulin/blood sugar thing that makes me feel weird if I eat carbs, especially on an empty stomach. That wears off later and I feel ok again so I start to do some painting in my daughter's room. I manage one wall and then feel exhausted, so automatically I wonder what the hell is wrong with me and start suspecting all kinds of horrible things :weep: Then I go and lounge on my bed and do some crocheting and feel ok again. Then in the bath I realise I have a pain in the back of my knee so I start checking for a DVT :wacko:

Grrr... This is so exhausting. Anyone else feel their life is like one long round of ups and downs? Stop the world... I want to get off! :D

02-05-11, 22:58
Yes it does sound familiar! It's so exhausting isn't it?

I think most people feel the same sensations daily but they pay them no attention and just go about their business, but people with HA are so aware of their bodies we pick up on everything and analyse it, worry about it and then analyse it some more.

02-05-11, 23:11
Yep, you're right because when I talk to my hubby about my worries (he's great) he says that if he thinks about it right now he has a pain in his back/leg/arm/whatever, but just doesn't think about it. I used to be like that :weep:

02-05-11, 23:20
Aww don't get so down about it:hugs:

You can get back to being like that again. I'm finding more and more I'm able to dismiss things...it's taken 18 months of CBT and counselling but, I'm more able to recognise this for what it is and you will get there too.