View Full Version : WILL I DIE????

15-04-06, 17:32
Ive had this big fear all day that i am gonna collapse and die, im scared it literally will happen and il never see my family or friends again. i feel very spaced out and like my head isnt connected to my body. im babysitting in a min and im worried someything will happen while im doing that.

please people give me reasurance

i need to learn to take it in x

15-04-06, 17:36

You won't die from this I promise.

You have felt like this for many weeks and are still here to tell the tale?

My therapist used to say to me "have you died before from this"?

That used to amuse me and puts it into perspective and you can do the same too.

Get a relaxation CD out and listen to it whilst babysitting. It will calm you. Sort out the breathing as well - in through nose slowly and out through mouth.


15-04-06, 18:36
Hi Katy

As Nicola says you will not die from this.

You are going to be fine.

Hope the baby sitting goes well.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

15-04-06, 18:43
your not alone!!Today i felling the same way iam almost out the door to go to the er room!!Iam still loosing weight!!Its scaring the crap out of me even the night time numbness i get with my hands and my shoulder numb all day long and the nausea where i cant eat iam now down to 155 i did weight 185 last may!!

15-04-06, 18:47
i want to cry!!!When i put my paints on and they are all to big for me know!!All i do is smoke cigs one after another and try to find somthing to get mind off this bad demond thats in my mind are that whats if thinking can drive you mad i know how you fill it bites:(

15-04-06, 19:34
katy i promise you that you wont die sweety. last year i had a new fear almost every day. i was gonna die from choking, heart attack, cancer and brain tumor. i was then going to go to a mental home due to a nervous breakdown, lately ive been going to attack the kids and im a danger to society.
needless to say, im still here and none of this has happened :)
its all in our mind, but its scary as it feels as real as anything.
you are here now, you will be here this time next year.
em xx

15-04-06, 21:04

my mum used to get panic attacks and her gp told her that NO ONE ever dies from them, it made her feel better and every time see got them she would say it to herself.
She doesn't get them anymore.

16-04-06, 09:05
Hi Katy, I think most people feel like this at some time, I know I used to quite alot.
Hope you start to feel better soon
All the best