View Full Version : Attack at Work!

03-05-11, 10:56
Hi everyone. This morning I had a huge anxiety attack at about 2am, and couldn't get back to sleep. For some reason I decided the best thing to do would be to go about being normal which what I always try to do, so I went to work like normal. I had been at work for about 20 mins when I had another anxiety attack. My manager told me that I should go home, and that they couldn't take the risk of me being there. I wanted to stay, saying that it would pass and the best thing for me to do would be to carry on working to distract myself but they were having none of it. Which made me feel worse.

Since I started working in January my anxiety has been mostly manageable, with a few little attacks which were I had under control very quickly. But I never had one at work before. I'm starting to get really fed up of living my life like this. I try to always carry on like normal but sometimes it feels like there is no point because I'm not getting anywhere.

paula lynne
03-05-11, 11:06
Hi Oscar, Im sorry to hear youve had an anxiety attack at work. It always knocks you for six especially as you say youve been managing your anxiety reasonably well. The most important thing now is not to associate the work environment with anxiety....when those thoughts enter your sub-concious, your brain will form a connection that work=anxiety, and that is very difficult to reverse. You must try and carry on, get back in the saddle so to speak. Try taking some bach rescue remedy lozenges to work, and if anxiety builds, pop one in your mouth. Give yourself some positve self-talk too...in your mind repeat "I am safe, this will not harm me....."

Nip to the loo and re-breathe into a paper bag or cover your hands and mouth and this will help address the carbon dioxide/oxygen imbalance.

If you feel this is starting to become unmanagable, and affecting not only work but other areas of your life, maybe have a chat with your Gp.

Wishing you all the best, Paula x
(Ps, there is ALWAYS a point, I admire you, I cant work because of my anxiety....you are doing better than you give yourself credit for!)

03-05-11, 12:56
Unfortunately I have never tried the Bach Lozenges as I heard they can give you a bad tummy and I have IBS, which is caused by my anxiety but also feeds my anxiety. Its a vicious cycle.

03-05-11, 13:24
Hi everyone. This morning I had a huge anxiety attack at about 2am, and couldn't get back to sleep. For some reason I decided the best thing to do would be to go about being normal which what I always try to do, so I went to work like normal. I had been at work for about 20 mins when I had another anxiety attack. My manager told me that I should go home, and that they couldn't take the risk of me being there. I wanted to stay, saying that it would pass and the best thing for me to do would be to carry on working to distract myself but they were having none of it. Which made me feel worse.

Since I started working in January my anxiety has been mostly manageable, with a few little attacks which were I had under control very quickly. But I never had one at work before. I'm starting to get really fed up of living my life like this. I try to always carry on like normal but sometimes it feels like there is no point because I'm not getting anywhere.

Hi, I was just wondering what your employers meant by saying they could not take the risk of you being there?

03-05-11, 13:42
I work at a small school for at-risk youth. I assumed they would have just been thinking about the kids, but I did try to explain to them that I was fine and it would just pass, and that my having a panic attack did not pose any danger to anyone.

03-05-11, 14:21
Hi, Oh yes, I see. It sounds as if they don't know the nature of anxiety if they think you are a risk to others? As far as I know its a deep fear within us which causes physical symptoms and is no risk at all to someone else.

03-05-11, 14:26
Have your employers offered you any support?

I'm currently stuck in the dilemna of desperately wanting to break down and come clean and then at least it's out in the open. But then worrying about how that might affect my job (i.e. will I get reduced responsibilty, will people treat me differently?).

Hope you are back on your feet soon.
Best wishes, Shaun

03-05-11, 15:29
Unfortunately I don't think that my manager's are very understanding. I only started in January, after being off work for 14 months because of anxiety/panic and depression. The place I worked when first diagnosed, and when my anxiety was at it's worst were very understanding, but my contract ended while I was off ill. The place I work now is only a 6 month contract and ends at the end of July.

04-05-11, 09:22
Anxiety is always worse in the morning. I know it's horrible but the only way I got through it was to get my self in to a routine in the mornings. I mad sure that I got up at 8 made a hot drink and had a shower and got dressed. I know it sound hard, and when you feel that bad I know it really difficult to even get out of bed, but its the only way I got through it. If you don't want to take meds have you thought about taking any vitamins or herbal remedies?

Sorry your feeling so bad at the mo. Let us know how you get on x