View Full Version : Worried, can anxiety really reach these levels?

03-05-11, 12:12
The other day I woke up with a fast heart rate, it continued throughout the day until around 9pm it hit an all time high, it felt like my heart was just constantly pounding one beat after another. I guess I panicked at this time but what else can be expected, I thought it would just stop.
I then started feeling like I was on fire, I'd never felt so hot, I opened the window as far as it would go but there was no relief, I went dizzy and my head went SO tight like it was going to explode, my lips hurt, I felt nauseas, my ears felt like they were ready to pop and painful.
I literally felt like I was going to die, there have been times in the past where I have felt bad enough to think I was dying but I'd always been able to say YOU WILL BE FINE but this time I couldn't, I felt THAT bad that I didn't believe I would.
Can anxiety REALLY make me feel this bad? Out of nowhere!?

paula lynne
03-05-11, 12:30
Hiya MC, I think anxiety can make you feel that bad, yes! It also has a nasty habit of biting you on the bum just when you think its under control.......grrrr. Are you stressed out at the mo over anything?
P x

03-05-11, 12:33
sounds like you had a bit of a panic attack Midnight... they can spring up on you and yes they are very scary and horrible. Breathing is the key I've found, if you feel one coming on, stop what you're doing and breathe as deeply and slowly as possible :):hugs:

03-05-11, 12:36
Its definitly possible that anxiety can make you feel like this. I know myself i have heard this a million times so im guessing you have too - but its such a vicious circle.

I think because you woke up with a fast heartbeat you automaticly paniced (obviously) and therefore it caused your heart to beat faster and faster and with it setting you on edge type thing its managed to carry out throughout the day and you paniced because of it been like that for soo long and therefore it keeps beating faster and faster - feeling like its never ending. As for the other symptoms its perfectly normal because its the way your body is naturally reacting. Im sure you have read a fair few posts with people with similiar problems so you know your not alone.

Myself.. i can be playing with the kids or watching a film or feeling slightly content when all of a sudden my heart beats fast and i start getting hotter and hotter and just cant get enough air in and it makes me feel like im losing my mind and just need help.
When i manage to calm down or get through it the best i can i think to myself " where did that come from?" i know its hard to believe that it can just come and go like that for no apparent reason most of the time.

03-05-11, 12:53
I agree with the others it can definatley make you feel that bad for no reason. I had a MASSIVE panic attack 2 weeks ago that had me so convinced I was dying I was literally begging my boyfriend to call me an ambulance. He didn't though cuz he recognised it as a panic attack.

It hit me so randomly too, was literally out of nowhere but it was one of the worst attacks I've ever had for no good reason I could see! It's just because we can get one symptom and then we react to it then it escalates and we kind of lose control.

I hope you feel better soon xx

03-05-11, 13:34
When you have these attacks does it take you a few days to feel better?
I still feel rather crappy and feel like I could fall straight back :/

03-05-11, 14:14
Definatley. I've not felt right since it happend and have had a lot of mini panic attacks since, but most (if not all) of that is down to my negative thinking, I'm sure it would clear up much sooner if you're able to accept it was a panic attack and nothing more. Panic attacks on that scale REALLY take it out of you, physically and mentally. I really do feel for you :hugs:

I'm sure you'll feel better soon xx

03-05-11, 15:18
I have the tightest feeling around my head, like someones actually squeezing there, it's on my jaw and my shoulders, my neck, my back.
Can tension really be this bad aha? D:

03-05-11, 15:51
It can - there's a headache named after it: the tension headache :D

They're annoying but a good nights kip and lots of water should sort it :)

03-05-11, 16:38
Midnight Calm, anxiety is the great liar who can masquerade as just about any ailment you can think of. At times, it has convinced me that I had any number of dread diseases based on symptoms, only to find that I had none of those health issues.