View Full Version : Please help!

03-05-11, 14:40
I am in such a panic right now.

I have posted on here before about swollen lymph nodes that I have had for as long as I can remember. I have one on the side of my neck that has been there for 17 years. I know i've definitely had it for that long as my mum found it on my neck when I was three and I've been aware of it ever since.

Anyway about ten months ago I began having health anxiety and started to worry that the gland was a sign of lymphoma. I then begun prodding around in my neck and noticed that I could feel two other nodes which are both small and soft.
To add to my worries, I have just googled palpitations as I have been experiencing these the past few evenings and it says that these are a sign of anemia, which can be linked to lymphoma. I'm actually terrified :( xxx

03-05-11, 20:47
Please someone help :( x

03-05-11, 20:57
Don't goggle symptoms please.

I have had a raised gland like you for over 20 years and it doesn't mean anything sinister to be honest.

macc noodle
03-05-11, 21:00

If you have had it for 17 years, there is no way it can be lymphoma - you would have shown more symptoms ages ago hun.

Your palpitations are you getting worked up about the glands - anxiety that's all - not linked to lymphoma. If you want to confirm this - just look up anxiety symptoms.

But to be honest best not googling - it will just drive you mad (says she who asks Dr Google far too many questions :))

You will be fine - just make an appt at your gp to discuss your worries and I am sure that they will put your mind at rest.
