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View Full Version : nightmares and heart racing everynight

hamster lady
03-05-11, 15:31
Hello everyone

I have had terrible trouble sleeping since my anxiety and panic attack problem started last August. I wake up about three times a night with vivid, disturbing dreams or nightmares with my heart racing and pounding. I will wake up suddenly remembering the dream and then my heart will race and I have trouble trying to calm myself down. I keep trying to remember that it is adrenaline causing the problem but it is so hard to calm down in the middle of the night. I keep worrying that there is something wrong with me that is causing the bad dreams and racing heart but my ECG and blood tests are normal and the doctor said that it was probably caused by my anxiety and that it would probably settle down. It has not settled down and I am getting so tired from so many broken nights and I need all my energy to look after my poorly son who has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I feel like I have had no sleep at all most days. I have been really stressed about him and I don't think my stress levels will go down until he is better and I have no idea when that will be, he has been ill and off school now for 6 months.

Do any of you guys get similar problems at night with your anxiety? I am worried because my heart is supposed to be resting at night, not going like the clappers! I have tried having hot milk and putting lavender oil on my pillow but nothing seems to work. I'm so fed up and exhausted at the moment.:weep:

03-05-11, 16:34
Hi HL,
I also suffer from anxiety dreams, particularly at stressful times. The method I am trying to combat this are some simple yoga exercies and breathing. These help relax me but also the physical exertion helps to relax the muscles and burn off a bit of energy.
If you have any yoga classes in your area, they are definitley worth a try.
Best wishes, Shaun

03-05-11, 20:11
Hi there - think you have posted on another forum about this and I've responded there and left you a private message so won't repeat it all here!