View Full Version : whos axiety is bad during the day?

15-04-06, 18:58
Well i fill soooo much better at night i always can weight tell night time to lay down and watch a good movie and i dread waking in the mornings is there anyone else like me out there???

15-04-06, 19:09
I am very much the same. I am so anxious during the day that by the time night rolls around I think I am just wiped out from my anxiety all day..that I am finally able to relax just a bit.
I don't want to go to sleep at night because I don't want that semi-normal feeling to end, and then I don't want to wake up in the morning to have it start all over again .


15-04-06, 19:27
mine is okish during the morning, by the time 2 oclock comes, im worn out and jumpy as hell. if i have an anxiety attack, its usually around this time of day. 8/10 im ok in the evenings but sometimes i find it hard to wind down and thats when i get the irrational thoughts and feelings.

15-04-06, 19:34
tnt i am just like you!!Iam doing ok now just took a xanaxs man i hate them pills but it sure knocks the edge off when you get worked up and start thinking bad!!

15-04-06, 21:07
hi, mornings are definately the worst for me too and as the day wears on i'm almost 'normal'. I dread the morning feeling.

May Day
15-04-06, 22:08
Ioften wake up with a feeling of dread but that passes when i get up and on with things ... my anxiety builds up during the day and is usually at its worst in the afternoons ... eves are not so bad when i can relax after everything has been done ... if i can keep occupied the anxiety isn't so bad but if i've little to do but think then it gets worse ... i try to relax and let my feelings go when that happens


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

15-04-06, 23:00
Hi Forrest,

I too suffer with bad anxiety through the day, but at night time i am alot better, i think its because i am more relaxed at night. I dread getting up sometimes on a morning knowing what the day will bring, but with the medication i am on now lately i have felt much better through the day and more relaxed.

Love Andrea

16-04-06, 06:41
well i guess iam not the only one its late at night and filling just fine up eating junk food and watching funny movies being me for the night aways fighting to stay up because this is when i fill my best i guess iam a vampire...lol