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View Full Version : Weird nose pain/tingle

03-05-11, 17:15
Only I can get this! It is something that I get about 3 times a year on average. It usually affects my left nostril but can affect other side as well.

I have always had a tendency to have dried blood inside my left nostril as I have an area inner nose at back that bleeds if you touch it but its always been like that but as I say a few times a year I get a trememdous itching tingling pain inside my nose ( if you put your finger:) inside your nose and pull down its just there) and I want to stick my finger in and scratch like mad. I seem to have more dried blood than usual but if I blow my nose its clear. My nose does not run on that side but feels a bit drippy down back of nose.
In the past this has lasted anything from a day to a week.

two years ago I went to Dr who gave me antibiotics in case its infection but before I could take them next day the sensation moved over to other nostil:huh: and then went away but I took them anyway in case but obviously they weren't needed.

I always get it april to June and wondered if it could be allergy thing??

03-05-11, 17:57
You could be irritating it if you have hayfever by sneezing a lot or scratching it. I would ask your doctor for advice again. Maybe try not to touch there sounds as if its best left alone as you could be making it worse by touching it.

03-05-11, 18:03
I had similar symptoms, went to the doctor who prescribed a course of antibiotics which sort of cleared it up for a very short time. Didn't bother for ages after that (but it carried on, sometimes worse sometimes better often linked to if I had a cold or hay-fever) eventually saw a different doc who prescribed an antibiotic ointment which cleared it up beautifully.