View Full Version : Anxiety with out reason.

03-05-11, 18:08
Ok ive been suffering with this for about 2years heres my story.

It was Sep 2009 it was late in the afternoon and i was on my laptop, I was happy as larry no problems or anything, I went to get up when i had this intence strange feeling come over me my vison went very strange almost like i was looking through a gold fish bowl, my balance went off and i felt like the room was moving (Not spinning). It went off after a few hours and i went to bed had a good nights sleep untill the morning when i awoke to the same thing again this was very starnge as it made my vison very distorted and my heart was pounding, i also had the start of what i thought was sinuse infection well a few days on and i was starting to feel very strange it felt like i was being pulled down all my nerves felt wired and i was still having these starnge sensations my chest felt like it was caving in, i had blood and snot comming out of my nose and my right ear felt blocked, my head felt like it was being crushed on one side and the room just wouldnt stay still so i went and saw the doc, he had a look at me did some basic tests and said i am most likely suffering with Labrythitis and it would go with in the next 8 weeks, well after 12 weeks it was still there i was then sent to the ENT who did some test and said that i had negative pressure in my right ear and the start of nails polyps he game me steriods and some basic balance exersisis, well nothing realy changed the strange intence feelings i was getting were panic attacks, I have had Palpatations all day every day, i get skipped beats, vibrating legs and a very intence weird feeling in my legs like a tickle you can scratch (Not tingling) I get dead arms and legs, The worst is my vision it is very unstable some times it feels tike my eyes cant processes all the info and it feels very hectic, it also feels like there fighting all the time so my eyes get very blood shot, constant dizzys, Vertigo and Visual vertigo, i sometimes feel so ill (Not sick ive never been sick) i cant even move, I think ive had every symptom in the book.
Ive had MRI which was clear, Blood test clear, Thyroid ok to, i ve had eye tests all ok, Blood pressure checks ok, I ve seen a neurologist which said its most likely a inner ear problem BUT all my normal doctors seem to think its Anxiety, The thing is i have no reason to have it and its Pi$$ing me of as i ve tried all the drugs SSRI, Amis, Betahistines etc etc and its just no shifting, Now i here you saying its sounds like hes worrying but trust me the worry has long gone its now turned to anger, ive had CBT which was as usefull as a wax teapot.
Were do i turn to The Neurologist didnt put in his report that he thought it could be a inner ear problem so my normal GPs just think its anxiety i ve seen about 6 Docs who are at there witts end as Medication and Theripy Just isnt making a difference.
The Panic attacks have stopped about 7 Months ago.
I have no family history of any sort of disorders, I have no problems in my life, no deaths in the family.. Nish
It was as if i had a switch in my brain flicked one second i was ok the next bamm i am a total mess.
The Lindern method is uselless to me as it relys on you to have worry induced Anxiety.
So what do you think. Could this realy be Anxiety and what sort is it as all tend to be based on worry, GAD could come close but that is all about worry, Panic disorders could come close but i have nothing to panic about they just come out of the blue.
Could it be some sort of sinus damage which has messed my nervouse system up.
Just to let you also know the day this all started i had a load of dental work done (I have no fear of the dentists, I ve had loads of dental work done in the past).
My brain just feels weird all the time, infact i feel weird all the time like ive been poisened or something its all very strange, i also get alot of sharp pains in my ear as well.And ive become very sensative to motion.
Well thats about it theres loads more i could write about. What do you think?

05-05-11, 12:49
How come no ones commented on my plight

05-05-11, 13:14
Hi Scott,

I suffered with Labyrinthitis a few years ago. I was at a safari park in the car on a hot day and suddenly felt very queezy and had a headache. The next morning when I went to get out of bed the whole room spun. I had it for about 6 months in the end (gradually getting less and less as the time went on). Strangely, and I've always wondered whether there was a link, I developed depression and anxiety within a year of the labyrinthitis disappearing. It was nothing related to the worry of having labyrinthitis that caused me to be anxious, and I had no other reason to be depressed or anxious so I never found out what triggered it, but I do wonder if it was something to do with the labyrinthitis that caused it. What's interesting is the amount of people who use this site who appear to have suffered labyrinthitis and had an episode of depression/anxiety linked to it.

It sounds to me like it could be a mixture of stress/anxiety and the labyrinthitis that is causing your problem. In my experience labyrinthitis takes a lot longer than 6-8 weeks to go like the docs always say, and unfortunately it's a case of bearing with it until it goes.


05-05-11, 14:13
This is what kicked off my anxiety nearly 2 years ago. The whole room spun everytime I stood up, like I'd just got off a roundabout. I thought I had a brain tumour and had a brain scan / neurologist spinal column scan. Nothing wrong has been found, the doctor said it was most likely a viral infection. The balance problem took 6 months to go away but the anxiety is still with me.

06-05-11, 12:50
i had my first panic attack for no reason. i believe that some people are prone to anxiety. since then though i dont need to get stressed, i am just afraid and scared of anxiety itself and thats what is causing it