View Full Version : Im new, and desperately need your help :(

03-05-11, 18:10
Hi there,
I have been through so much and have been having some horrific experiences. Chest pains, racing heart, cold sweats, shivers, pain in my neck pulse, pain in left arm, pain in viens and the list goes on and on.. I have been told i suffer from anxiety which i think i do, but sometimes its to hard to believe. I have a horendous fear of dying and find myself waking up middle of the night with a pounding heart and chest pains when i breathe in and move, this scares me so much resulting in a major panic attack. I do not know why i wake up with this its literally horrific. This is giving me a fear of dying in my sleep so i find it hard to go to bed at night :(. I also have alot of stomach pain, lots of gurgling acids like hunger pain but when i eat the pain gets worse and i get acid again :(. I get alot of breathing problems and pain when i breathe in and can't ever relax because of this. I also get very dizzy almost to the point of collapsing sometimes. I have a constant breathing problem, it feels as if im not getting enough air in my lungs, which makes me yawn all the time :(. Also when my heart is going fast i get a sharp painful pain in my wrists (veins) and my pulses in my neck when i move.. is this normal???? I have been to a hospital and to see a gp and they have done lots of tests which have all come out clear.

I would really appreciate if someone could give me some advice and help on this, its really affecting my way of living, i find it hard to go out and have fun with my family and friends, i find it hard to be away from my family incase something happens to one of us. I don't like living like this, it is truly awful. Please help :'( x

03-05-11, 18:29
Hi duke

I wonder if this link will help to re-assure you.


Take care

03-05-11, 19:04
Hi, so sorry that you are having such a bad time at the moment:hugs:

I think a lot of what you are describing here are classic anxiety/panic symptoms and probably searching through these boards you will see a lot of people who have some of the same things going on.

It is truely awful and I completely sympathise with you. Have you spoken with your doctor about ways to control your anxiety with meds or counselling?

03-05-11, 19:05
Yes i have got counsilling, which isnt starting for another two weeks, and am currently on a low dosage of haloperidol :( x

03-05-11, 19:11
Well that's a really good start. I'm afraid I don't have much experience with medication and I'm sure someone with more knowledge will be able to give better advice, but from what I know sometimes it can take a while for it to be beneficial and sometimes it can be a bit of a trial and error thing.

I think counselling is a wonderful first step to take, it may be difficult at first but stick with it and you will start to feel better. Maybe try some relaxation exercises in the meanwhile that can help your muscles relax and help with the aches and pains. Some breathing exercises are great for relaxtion.

It might feel like ages to wait but 2 weeks isn't that long and you've always got here for support until then. x

03-05-11, 19:14
I do find myself slightly reluctant to take the pills, incase i have an allergic reaction, i was asked to take them before bedtime and in the mornings, but from all the news reports of doctors being wrong.. I thought i may have an allergic reaction and die in my sleep. This may sound so stupid but it is how i feel and its not nice at all :(

03-05-11, 19:19
It's not stupid, it's how you feel:hugs:

Like I said, not too sure on the medication side of things but if it's a low dose, start by taking on the morning and see how you go but I think the chances of allergic reaction will be very slim.

Remember, we hear about doctors being wrong sometimes in the news but we don't hear about the millions of times they are right. One of the first steps is trying to trust your doctor, it's not in their best interests to get things wrong is it? We're talking about lives and jobs being on the line.

03-05-11, 19:21
Thanks for the reassurance, I will start by just taking them in the mornings and see whether that makes any difference to the way i feel.

03-05-11, 19:23

Just try them, they could help you through the next couple of weeks until your appointment comes through and if you're not happy with them or they don't agree with you, go back to your doctors and ask to try something else.

03-05-11, 19:31
hi im hoping i can help you are certainley not alone...BREATHING by god im petrified im not breathing i used to over breathe alot now im left with teh feeling that im not breathing adn i end up like you yawning i call it yawn forcing lol i posted a thread about it. i was cionvinced it would never stop but it is slowly starting to slow done.
Sleep...now im petrified of sleeping i gop throyugh stages of never sleeping i sleep with the chat on or on my phone texting or reading or tv i hate the feeling of being tired im tired now and god im so scared. i wake in the night too and its like a electric shot feeling going off its scary as anything ive woke and panicked and ran screaming to my neighbours i really believe im dying when i get them. they can be called night terrors. xx

03-05-11, 19:37
Thankyou for your help! You obviously experience alot of the same things i do :( My main fear is sleeping, my anxiety tends to get worse as it gets closer to bed time. I am constantly tired and weak and i just don't know what to do anymore :( I leave the TV on, go on the laptop, go on my phone and just try to keep awake :( xx

05-05-11, 08:28
right now..your symptoms and experience with the doctors and results is exactly what im goin thru.. im also having peptic ulcer that is very painful and migraine... diagnosed with anxiety also..u are not alone