View Full Version : Head pressure!!

03-05-11, 19:20
I get alot of head pressure, mainly on the top and back of my head (think its called the crown?) Its really hard to ignore it!!
I also get pains behind my eyes and have lots of spots over my head. The doctor recently examined my eyes and found nothing of concern, is this normal? Is it a sign of anxiety? Please help im so scared :'( x

03-05-11, 19:27
I've had this before too and I'm guessing it can be an anxiety symptom as the anxiety is making you very aware of your body and sensations you can feel. Normally, you would be able to shrug it off and it would go away but when you are anxious and focus on it, it becomes bigger than what it is.

Maybe try distracting yourself for a while and try really hard to ignore it and you will probably find it will go away.

03-05-11, 20:16
Hi Duke,

This sounds like a tension headache to me. I used to get it too, like a tight band around my head, not focussed in any one particular place, just all over, sometimes like a pulse, sometimes like a dull ache.

They went away on their own in the end. Go have an eye test as it may be casued by eye strain. Do you work with computers a lot? Even a laptop can cause it.

Also check your posture as a kneck injury such as strained neck muscles can trap a nerve which causes head pain. Deep heat does the trick for this :)

05-05-11, 19:32
i have this pressure in head very very bad hun if u need to talk about it just pm ...me if u like