View Full Version : Can anyone reassure me, please?

15-04-06, 19:18

Can anyone reassure me? I have been having some really weird 'full' feelings in my head for some time, with occasional dizziness and electric shock feelings. My ears become 'full' of pressure and pop a lot, but I have seen an ENT specialist who said he could not find anything wrong with my ears, but has referred me for an MRI just to be sure.

I have really awful depersonalisation I think its called, where I feel as if I am on another planet to everyone else. Cannot concentrate on anything for too long, find social situations difficult etc.

I have asked my doctor if I should be concerned about a brain tumour, and she laughed it off, saying I displayed no red flag symptoms.
I somehow feel as if she has branded me a hypochondriac, as I have presented to her in the past with anxiety symptoms, but I don't feel particularly anxious now...just about this awful feeling in my head.

I am finding it very difficult to deal with, my partner isn't terribly understanding, and I have two kids who I have to remain positive in front of. I spent this afternoon sobbing in the bath, the only place I could be alone with my worries.

Please can anyone offer me any explanations for these feelings, and should I be concerned about a brain tumour? I am 34 years of age, and have so much to remain alive for, I am terrified my life is about to be cut short.

Thank you all, RG x

15-04-06, 19:33
Hi RG,

I certainly wouldnt worry about a brain tumour it sounds like classic anxiety symptoms to me as I too suffer from the "electric shocks" and depersonalisation you talk about. Hopefully your MRI will help allay any fears you have about a tumour. Try not to worry I know its not easy, but worrying will only increase your symptoms. Have you recently come off or reduced an anti-depressant dose? That can cause the electric shocks.


16-04-06, 01:04
I too get horrible sensations in my head - i know exactly the strange "full" feelings you're talking about. I've had problems with all sorts of headaches and sensations (panic disorder) for about 8 years and 3 CT scans later I've allayed my fears a tumour somewhat. My doctor reassures me that a headache is not even the primary symptom of a brain tumour - and (what I find most hopeful) that a tumor that causes a headache is quite large and therefore would be picked up by an MRI scan with 100 per cent accuracy. The feelings are terrible, but know that they cannot harm you.

It must be so hard having to deal with all of this and looking after your kids. Maybe ask your partner to read some of the posts on this site so that they understand that a lot of people feel this way and that we need support.

Love and best wishes

Chelle xoxoxox

"This too, shall pass"

16-04-06, 16:42
Hi Devon Guy and Chellebelle,

Thanks for your replies...in response to you DG, I have not been on anti depressants at all, I resisted them when my GP suggested it to me, as I prefer not to take any medication if I can help it. I have been taking all sorts of supplements and St Johns Wort for around three months now.

In reply to CB, I don't even get headaches with it, just this awful feeling of pressure in my head; if I could safely drill a hole in my head I would!

It probably feels a lot worse at the mo because my period is due, but I have had these symptoms on and off for 6 or 7 months now.

Thanks for replies anyhow, I feel a little better that others feel the same, and I suppose I should take heed of what my doc says, but when you are in the depths of these feelings its hard to hear others.

RG x

16-04-06, 17:59
rg i know you say you are not particularly anxious at the moment, however you have said you are afraid, concerned and terrifyed. all of these thoughts will make yourself feel worse. none of your symptoms are new to us, we have had them many times i promise.

i too am 34 with 5 kids so i know how it feels to be soo afraid to leave and never see them grow up. even today i feel new symptoms and fear them so greatly that i fear i may have to visit the hospital. please be reassured by your gp i know only to well how hard it is to trust anyone with your health, but you must try for your own sake

have you ever had cbt. if not ask your doctor for it. it is supposed to be a great therapy. im asking mine for it next week. even now i am praying i last that long. our thoughts are just wrong

i hope this helps


18-04-06, 18:02
Thanks Jackie for your kind words...today I am feeling slightly better, yesterday I realised that my sinuses were really painful, so took some Sudafed tabs, and the pain and fullness has disappeared...weird huh? I am still getting the 'electric shock' feelings in my head, but feeling less concerned about a brain tumour.
I read in one of your recent postings that you too get bad sinuses. Has it been brought on by stress and anxiety? Because I have never suffered before all of this started.
I am currently having a course of CBT, found it has helped a bit, but the therapist isn't as good as I hoped. May try another to see if I get on better.
Thanks again for your kind words. This anxiety is a sod isn't it?
RG x

april tones
18-04-06, 19:02
hiya! i have this sometimes!
mainly when i get up from sitting down.
i have fibro, you have too dont you? it might just be that xx
i have had mri before. havent you had mri before diagnosis?

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com