View Full Version : Do these symptoms sound like Anxiety?

03-05-11, 20:12
Not long joined here and wanted to know what you think about the symptoms i am going to post below.


*Wake up feeling tired after 8-9 hours sleep every night (Not sure if this is anxiety or Chronic Fatigue or something else.)

*Dry Mouth & Dry Lips (Have to lick my mouth & lips a lot to sort it out.)

*Throat problems (I recently noticed that my tonsils were slightly enlarged) but I have to swallow constantly/excessively and my mouth and throat just feels uncomfortable along with the dry mouth but I do seem to have some swallowing difficulties along with a feeling of something being stuck in my throat.

*Dull ache in my chest which I have had for a good few weeks now and worry that it could be a lung/heart/some other issue.

*Breathing problems, A feeling that I am short of breath all the time, Other people around me say my breathing looks ok but to me it feels laboured and shallow and feels like I am always out of breath or gasping.


*Excessive Yawning/Sighing (I thought when you yawned it meant you are not getting enough Oxygen, Isn't this a bad sign?)

*Stomach aches/pains

Thank you.

03-05-11, 21:01

Have a read of this:


Yawning is no longer thought to be about not getting enough oxygen by the way.

03-05-11, 21:24

Have a read of this:


Yawning is no longer thought to be about not getting enough oxygen by the way.

Thank you, Very good read and quite interesting too and informative!

Do you have an opinion on my symptoms above?

I didn't know that yawning is no longer thought to be about not getting enough oxygen, I thought that yawning was due to tiredness or a lack of oxygen.

03-05-11, 21:58
Try this about yawning


If you have been given an all clear healthwise then the list of symptoms you give can be attributed to anxiety and incorrect breathing patterns.

03-05-11, 22:22
Well i haven't really been given the all clear, I have had blood tests done a while ago (2 months ago), Also had an ECG 6 weeks ago which was ok.