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View Full Version : Really worried about Embarrassing condition

03-05-11, 20:31
This is really embarassing.............. but i will continue anyway
basically i am a long time sufferer of fairly extreme health related anxiety for the past two years, i am 17 male
Over the past couple of days i noticed a small reddish rash right on the end of my (do i need to say), it does not hurt or itch
basically i am starting to stress about it and was wondering whether it could be something not to worry about or whether it could be something more serious
N.B. This would not be an STI

03-05-11, 20:32
Sounds a little like a yeast infection to me. Keep it dry and clean and don't be afraid to go to the doctors if it stays bad or gets worse. It's not a big deal :)

03-05-11, 20:39
thank you are yeast infections potenitally bad????

03-05-11, 20:43
Not really to be honest. They can get uncomfortable but if it gets "bad" it just means it'll be itchy and sore. Not serious. If it gets to that stage then go see the doctor and they'll give you some cream to sort it out.

03-05-11, 21:21
Can you find a pic on google like that? It could just be a patch of dry skin. I get them from time to time and have done since I was a teenager. Normally they go away after a week or so.

03-05-11, 21:56
Could be psorasis (which is linked to stress and anxiety). My ex husband used to get it on his penis. It would look sore and unsightly. Don't fret, if it's still there in a weeks time see a doctor and they'll give you some cream to clear it. It's nothing serious. :)