View Full Version : Anyone else panic too much when their children are poorly?

03-05-11, 21:23
My son is 14 months and his temperature has been up and Down the last few days. He's been eating a bit and drinking and he's been happy but tired. I just can't stop myself from worrying and have this horrible feeling inside me all the time :( took him to see a doctor today and he says it's just a virus and wasnt worried! But just don't understand how he could have this when both my other children are fine and hasnt been near anyone who is poorly!!?? Am I going mad? :s

03-05-11, 21:57
My son is now 30 ! but I got in a terrible panic everytime he was ill and as a young child he got terrible temps really high for everything. thankfully I literally did not know about meningitis then as it was not publisied as it is now or I would have been a complete basket case.
AS with everything see how it goes - if he is no better in a week then go back to Dr or if he suddenly spikes a really really high temp and is obviously very ill then go back but they seem to constantly ill don't they.