View Full Version : Heart Flutters

04-05-11, 10:26
I have had ectopics for over 25 years but 6 months ago started to get sudden attacks where my heart would flutter ( pulse is fluttery irregular)that would last anything from 2 seconds to 20 seconds. It feels like constant ectopics. I saw a cardiologist and had yet another 24 hr ecg and also had an even moniter for three weeks where you can put it on you if you feel something. I had a short attack on the 24 hr ecg but really that only felt like ectopics. The cardiologist said he thinks I am getting runs of ectopics as my 24 ecg had picked up a run of 5 ectopics. I did not have a bad attack with either of the moniters.

The cardiologist I can see him again if I am worried:whistles: of course I am worried!

When I get one of the bad attacks where my heart just flutters for about 20 seconds I get huge adrenalin rush and have to keep rushing to the loo for number 2 and feel very panicky.

I have had a good time past couple of months but normal ectopics started a few days ago and this morning I had one of my bad attacks, I managed to feel my pulse and it was all over the place just fluttery and got the adrenalin rush. I am now frightened of being alone in case it starts and does not stop and I keel over.

I was reading about a celebrity in the newspaper who kept getting attacks of atrial fibrillation and am now worrying that this is what I am getting.

From doing well I am now in panic mode

04-05-11, 11:34
Hi there this is what i suffer from ,flutters and my doc also told me they were runs of ectopics but they are very unsettling .He also said they were harmless but i forget that when they happen, it makes me freeze with fear.Anxiety has a lot to answer to.kind regards molly xx

04-05-11, 12:11
Thanks Molly - have you felt your pulse when this happens to you??
Do you feel same as me like your pulse is just fast irregular flutters lasting a few seconds??

I think mine only last a few seconds but sometimes they keep happening over about 20 seconds and its these that really freak me.

04-05-11, 12:40
Hi yes i have felt my pulse and it is very fst irregular and it can last from 5 secs to 2 minutes it scares me to death ,i really cant stand it.kind regards molly

04-05-11, 12:49
Thanks Molly you are really helping me .

I meant to ask how often you get these attacks of flutters. Mine vary enormously from one a day for a few days to once a week to once a month.

What worries me is that they won't stop:scared15: I imagine you know what I mean. I cough and take deep breaths and usually this stops them but it can take alot of coughing and deep breathing!

04-05-11, 13:34
Sometimes i can get them like you everyday or every month.The worst attack i ever had was when i was out at the the shops and all of a sudden i could feel fluterring in my chest ,i felt my pulse and my rate was really fast and irregular that lasted a good few minutes.I ran out the shop and bent over and took a big deep breath and it went back to normal but i really did think it was never going back into rythm .Thats when i went to the cardioligist and i had 7 day holter on but never had any when it was on [typical] also had echocardiogram and have had millions of ecgs .The cardio said runs of ectopics without the pauses.I really did have a hard time getting over that attack and became a bit agrophobic again .But i still get them and i just stop what im doing take a deep breath or like you cough and it goes back to normal.I have been obsessed with my heart for a long tome because of these horrid beats but lately ive been so worried about my stomach its taken a back seat .But once im over the whole stomach thing i will be back to the heart again.Its just a vicios circle.kind regards mollyxx

04-05-11, 16:01

I have just started getting the fluttering/quivering beats along with my missed beats.

Mine tend to last about 3 to 4 seconds a time and with them I get a pressure in my head. They are worse than the missed beats and you tend to panic more about them. I had three horrible afternoons last week when I got quite alot.

I always feel a bit more reassured though when other people say they get them too.

04-05-11, 18:15
Thanks towers as you say these runs of flutters are much more scary that the usual single ectopcis but it is good to know that we are not alone in getting them. Thinking back I did get something like this but much less noticeable very occasionally only lasting literally two seconds over the years but this is something else again. The feeling in the chest is horrible and the panic that they will not stop.

04-05-11, 19:57
The flutters and ectopics are exactly the same, they're just PVCs and they're harmless. Basically the flutter is just a small run of these ectopics and they're all caused by the same thing. The cardiologists see it all the time and they don't care really. Everyone gets them but some people notice, some dont. The best thing you can do is not worry, dont google, and accept your doctor and cardiologist's advice as they know best :)

As soon as you worry less, you'll get them less, I personally 100% guarantee it.

04-05-11, 20:09
I was getting very similar things - but at different incidences to my panic attacks ... the times never coincided ... and so I was obviously a little more worried that it was cardiovascular related rather than anxiety. I've felt my pulse and it's irregular and then it just easies up.

Sometimes the back of my head, just above my neck hurts at the same time as this happens - but the doctor, today, just connected it with panic attacks, saying it happens - even at different times... and that its not something to worry about. There's no connection between that and heart failure.