View Full Version : Agreed to meet friends today, really need some coping tips

04-05-11, 11:00
Hi everyone. My best friend is getting married soon and I'm her bridesmaid (which is a whole other freakout, but never mind!). Today, she wants to go looking for her wedding dress and I've agreed to go with her. However, this means getting on two buses (buses are my arch-nemesis), then wandering around busy shops in the city centre for most of the day.

I am pretty much on the ceiling right now. It's been over a year since I've even attempted to get on a bus, let alone go shopping and I am freaking out. I'm this close to cancelling and just curling up in a ball.

Can anyone give me some tips on making it through today? I'd really appreicate it.

04-05-11, 11:44
Um not nice!

I find reading the symptoms part on this site very useful, gives fantastic explanations of whats going on in your body.
Use this and try to remain calm.
Do you have mobile internet access? If you do use it to keep in touch as you travel.
Look out the window of the bus at the shops, people etc and think positive thoughts.
Good luck, chin up.

paula lynne
04-05-11, 13:23
Hi, buses are my enemy too.....but remember, there was a time you just thought of them as a vehicle to get from one place to another? Take a bottle of water with you. As you travel, take notice, and i mean REALLY look at all the things going on outside...people watch, notice the cars, the trees, the sky.....this will take you out of your own head. An ipod or similar is a help. Sucking mints is good too. I always use a dab of lavender on my wrists and have a sniff.

When you get to the city, tell your friend how you feel. Ask to walk slowly, not rush around (dont want to set the palpatations off!). Get to a Boots or similar and get some lavender if you havent got any. Sip your water. Stop and window shop, take a breath. I use a paperbag to re-breathe if things get on top of me, find a quiet bench with your friend. Dont worry about people looking, they will be far too busy getting on and rushing around to notice you....

I hope you go. You will be happy and so proud.......even if its uncomfortable, the sense of achievement will be HUGE!

Tell yourself "I am loved, I am safe..." and you are safe. These feelings are in your head, you know that. It takes time to unlearn these behaviours, but if you do this today, it will be a MASSIVE ACHIEVEMENT and I will be first in line with a hug to show you just how amazing you are.

LOVE PAULA X:yesyes: