View Full Version : What do i do

04-05-11, 11:06
hi i dont know wat to do my friend wants to take me away for the week end to her caravan which is about 45 mns away from ware we live as she says it will do me good because of my anxiety to have a break as ive been once before and it it very peaceful and loverly there but the last time i went i was so scared travelling there in the car and started to panickand wanted her to stop the car so i could get out and walk home even tho i was nearly at the caravan but i did manage to stay in the car and carry one . i want to go but even just thinking about now its making me really anxious i keep thinking what if we crash or wat if im really anxiouse there and want to come home and as i think that she wouldnt know how or wat to say to me if i start getting very anxious and scared while im there i just dont want to feel like i did the last time travelling in the car and i dont know wat to do . do i go or do i make exuses up not to go as i dont want to keep feeling like this every time some one asked me to travel any ware can any one please advice me on how to deal with this horrible fear about travelling please

04-05-11, 12:06
The only way to 'cure' this awful anxiety is to face your fears and this sounds like the perfect opportunity. I KNOW it isn't easy, I'm struggling to do it myself but am finding that it's true. Go for it, you might surprise yourself and have a really good time. Good luck, x

04-05-11, 12:28
Hi Tricia,I had the same problem a few years ago going to devon a 4 hr trip.Keep yourself busy,read a book do cross word, game boy anything to keep your mind focused.Try camomile tea before you go and before bed the night before.Don't let panic beat you hun!!!!!

Panic can't hurt you,breathing exercise works trust me.You will enjoy it once your there and when you get there you will be so proud that you made the trip if you turn back you will for anxious for not doing it.xxx:yesyes:

04-05-11, 12:53
Hi thk you both for ur advice think im going to do it and face my fears xxx

paula lynne
04-05-11, 13:00
Hi Tricia56....Im an agoraphobic (recovering) and suffer badly with panic. I was in a similar situation last year when a good friend of mine booked and paid for us to go to a Spa weekend 120 miles from my house!

All I can say is that I was terrified. But I knew that if I didnt at least TRY, I would let panic and anxiety ruin me forever...........so with my heart in my mouth I did it. Ok, I got dizzy at times and shaky, but the good times far outweighed the bad, and I was so pleased I went. I took my lavender oils, my paper bag, my calming CDs.....so preparation can really help you. If the travelling is hard, keep your window open, and have some mints to hand as well. Im sure you will have a great time, go for it! Face this fear and you will be so happy I promise you! Let us know how you get on!

Love Paula x:hugs: