View Full Version : Blood Test Results OK :) but not sure what that tells me

04-05-11, 13:38
Not posted for a week or so as I have been concentrating on keeping busy and enjoying Easter with my family... anyway... As posted previously I have had constant lower right abdominal pain (sometimes more in hip, sometimes nr belly button) for over 2 months now. It feels like something is in there that shouldn't be and everything is squashed up if that makes sense? It does not hurt though when abdomen is pressed by doctor. I also have frequent burping which I have calmed down a bit over (no meds now but trying to see it as anxiety related - no heartburn just the burping). Dr is not sure what is causing it so has referred me for abdominal and pelvic ultrasound- booked for this Fri!! :( and for blood tests.

I had a number of blood tests including FBC and LFT, plus about 4 others BUT not the HA125 (or at least it was not listed), which I think is weird as scanning ovaries and in my mind OC is a worry. I have just phoned Drs and apparently all results normal. I am really relieved, I think. I guess it is good news but then I still have the pain.

Not sure what the blood tests confirm - i.e. what reassurance do they give me? Obviously I'll ask my dr but I can't see him for another week until after the scan. Could I have 'normal' blood tests results and still have OC, ovarian cyst, fibroids, liver probs?

Also has anyone had ovarian cysts or fibroids, liver issues? Did they get otherwise normal blood results and what do these things feel like if you don't mind me asking?

Sorry to be posting about my same issue again - I am working on the not asking for reassurance and doing v well for me ;-)

Flumpkin x

04-05-11, 14:26
hi please let me know how you get on, i also get pain like that and doctor told me is ibs, have had blood tests done and all ok too.

04-05-11, 22:39
Thanks Emma - will do. The Dr hasn't mentioned IBS at all to me - maybe he is ruling other things out first. I'll post again (Hopefully with a big smiley icon) when I get my results - should be middle of next week. Hate this waiting.
Is your pain constant and like a dull ache? Mine feels like stitch or period pains and far too squashed up when I sit down (especially in the car). How long have you had IBS?

Normal bloods are positive news for us though :) xx

macc noodle
04-05-11, 22:48
Hi flumpkin (fab name by the way) :)

I don't think that the blood tests would show ovarian cysts/fibroids - these are benign and would not affect bloods.

The liver will be fine as this is one of the organs tested when you have a full blood count suite of bloods done. :)

You sound exactly how I was feeling last year and I had all my bloods done - all came back fine including the CA125 test (which is specifically for Ovarian Cancer). Did not have scan - too scared - and doc happy that I did not have OC. But, wish to God now that I had done as I am back at docs tomorrow (some 9 months later with same symptoms but worse) and bloody terrified.

No doubt I will have to go back to square one with blood tests and hopefully this time she will refer me for Ultrasound and I will be brave enough to go.

Good luck for Friday - let me know how it goes and how long it takes!!


PS - all along my Doc has said due to my age (50 & hormonal!!) and IBS xxx

04-05-11, 23:06
Thanks Jan,

I am dreading the scan on Fri but know that I need to know for my own peace of mind (although imagining all sorts of horrible conversations telling me what it is). I have been told it will take 30 mins and is both internal and external (tmi sorry). I should get results around Tues next week. WHat symptoms are you having if you don't mind me asking? Mine is just this constant dull ache, feeling of something there (although dr has felt 3 times and can't feel anything, although to be fair I am well padded! It does not hurt to press either. Along with that I have the burping that no meds have done anything for and he has stopped them.

I am surprised no CA125 maybe not done as being scanned? I am hoping that big C would have some effect on bloods? Although not sure if this is true. There are just so many bits in abdomen that can go wrong :( In a way I want them to find something nice and easily treatable so I can deal with it and move on. I am wondering about cysts or fibroid but not sure on symptoms and I am NOT going to google. Only place I allow myself to come is here and it is helping.

I am sure you will be fine and the normal bloods inc the OC one must be reassuring. I'll PM you and let you know about the scan if like. I am anxious about the scan but more so about the outcome!

DO you know if the LFT means liver in the clear now then? DOn't know much about the blood tests either.

thanks again - good luck at drs tomorrow - you can do this. Let me know how you get on.

love Heather (aka flumpkin aged 38 1/4) xx

macc noodle
04-05-11, 23:20
Hi Heather

LFT means Liver Function Test - I do actually believe (although don't quote me) that if this was elevated it could indicate a presence of illnesses such as cancer.

So if all your bloods came back normal - I would say that is excellent!

My symptoms are bloating, constipation, diarhoea, wind (both ends), aching pelvic region into top of legs. I am confirmed peri-menopausal (oh joy) which apparently can cause all these things without being life threatening (which is what I have gone along with for the last 9 months but cannot any longer as I am fed up with feeling off).

Like you I have a good overcoat on my stomach! In fact one kind doctor wrote on her records when I went with bad stomach pains "obese and unable to feel for any cancer masses" - which as you can imagine sent me into a complete tailspin and I nearly fell to the floor - when I questioned her, her brusque response was "you need to lose some weight and if I thought you had cancer I would send you to the hospital" - needless to say won't see her again!!

Would love to diet but cannot get my head round it at the moment.

On top of all this, had massive panic attack today which scared the pants off me (God, sometimes life is hard eh?)

Anyway, hun, good luck for Friday - it will be good to have an answer - it could just be that you have IBS and some doctors will not diagnose this until they have ruled out other causes which require attention.


Jan (old and hormonal.................)

05-05-11, 02:49
LFT's are liver function tests, they do not indicate any kind of cancer..Liver cancer that is not metasis is VERY RARE and usually happens when people have liver cirrhosis. I have elevated LFT'S ...VERY elevated..like in the 500's and normal is 0-40. When liver tests are elevated it means there is liver damage and or inflammation in the liver. If it is slightly elevated that is ok, sometimes they fluctuate. ALT and AST are great indicators of how good your liver is working. As far as that 'weird feeling' down there..let me ask you..do you poke at it a lot? I had this same problem a few years ago and was CONVINCED i had ovarian cancer and convinced my doc to run a battery of tests and it ended up being nothing..and low and behold, when all the tests came back and i stopped prodding down there it went away...if your blood tests are good, i would totally feel relieved and stop worrying :). Me on the other hand, im pretty screwed at this point..just waiting for a diagnosis. HA is off the hook right now

05-05-11, 02:51
I have EXTENSIVE knowledge on all things liver, and liver blood tests..if you have any specific questions feel free to ask !! Id say if your LFT's are normal, your liver is just fine

05-05-11, 10:10
Hi flumpkin i am your age also and my pain tends to be spasms or sometimes dull ache, can feel painful tends to be worse around ovulation and period/pmt time.

06-05-11, 20:28
Hi Flumpkin - I have been wondering how you got on today? Hope it went well for you x

06-05-11, 22:12
Hi Ambers - have just Pm'd you and Jan. Thanks for support both of you over the last couple of days. In fact thanks to everyone whose been replying to my posts - it really does help. The abdominal pain ones and the ones about the burping. And thanks too to CountryGirl for telling me what to expect with the US and stopping me freaking when she seemd to do an area for quite a while! No proper results until Thurs but scan was fine. I did not end up having the internal one as I had drunk so much fluid (as told to) that the pics were really clear so she did not need to. So maybe that is a tip for others ;-)

She said no obvious masses and that the other side and middle appeared to be clear - so I think good news!! but want to see exactly what she tells Dr in the report - plus see what he suggests as the pain is still there.

So def relieved it is over, and would like to reassure anyone that there is nothing to the US and that everyone at the hospital was lovely. Just wait and see where I go from here, but ok scan and ok bloods has definitely made be feel a bit smilier :D xx

06-05-11, 22:24
Hi Pat, Thank you for your posts about my liver concerns, especially as from your posts it seems you have such worries of your own at the minute. How are you doing at the moment? i don't know anything about liver issues but am here if you want to PM me at any time. There is so much scarey info out there and anxiety is worse the more it is fed. I may still have something wrong (as still have the pain - and I don't prod) but am trying to not research it too much and jump ahead - I only come here, and I try to distract myself through each day and focus on good things, family etc. As scarey as it must be for you try not to jump ahead or follow the chain of worse case scenarios and aim to deal with the facts as you get them from dr. I know not easy to do.

Take care xxx

09-05-11, 11:48
i have had blood tests done due to me having ache in lower left side. All bloods came back normal, i asked my gp if the bloods would show if i had cancer and she said if something was going on the results would show it.
I have had two transvaginal scans, just found out i have a cyst and fibroid which i have found out are very common in women. Im sure you are fine, it could be ibs. Take care:)

09-05-11, 22:25
Thanks bashley, I am still nervous and anxious but mainly because I still have the symptoms but I am taking the blood results (and hopefully the scan results that I get tomorrow) as being positive. I intend to ask dr the same q about bloods showing something amiss if had cancer as I know part of me is thinking so if not ovarian issue may be bowel etc. Your comments are reassuring though so thank you. Are your aches caused by fibroids and cyst then? Part of me wants them to find something 'innocent' so I have an explanation.

I am a bit nervous about tomorrow but I think often it is fear of the unknown as no idea where I go next. Thanks again for posting :hugs:

macc noodle
09-05-11, 23:18
Hi Heather

Just wanted to say good luck for results !

I have had a bad couple of days - pain right down on right hand side (tender to touch but not all time), generalised abdo pain and back ache !!! How can this not be something utterly terrible? I am convinced it is really bad. Roll on my appointment at hospital.

Please let me know how you get on - it will be great to hear some good news.




09-05-11, 23:56
Hi Jan

Thanks - will post an update tomorrow although appt not til teatime. Try not to worry hun - although I know hard not to. My pain is always there and i have waves of panic each day - I am just trying not to let the anxiety take over - truth is I am v scared, but at mo I don't know if something wrong or nothing and panicking won't change that it just makes the dreadful waiting and not knowing harder!! Do you know how long appt will take to come through?

Stay positive and keep busy and distracted. Also hopefully helps that there are a few of us in same boat.

Will post tomorrow - nighty noodle xxx

13-05-11, 11:29
hi have you hadyour results?

13-05-11, 23:08
Hi Emma

Yes, sorry had a couple of days away from computer. Results are ok, no bumps, lumps or fluid that shouldn't be there. Scan checked kidneys, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, ovaries and womb. Only thing he said was results show slightly larger, fatty liver, but that would be because I am overweight. He did not say I should lose weight (although I know I should). Obviously v relieved but I still have the discomfort and burping :( He said to go back in a month and see if it resolves itself (if anxiety, muscular etc). I have been resisting urge to go off on one over fatty liver :( Google said can lead to allsorts ... trying to be positive, cut down on alcohol, sugar, carbs and high fat, drink more water and exercise etc. Thanks for asking? How are you doing? xxx

13-05-11, 23:33
Oh I also have to provide stool sample (tmi) as scan did not check bowel. He said ok sample and ok bloods should reassure me that nothing is going on there. Hoping this pain and burping go soon tho ... But thinking that adopting healthier lifestyle may help reduce anxiety :)

14-05-11, 11:24
brilliant news glad your all ok makes me feel better too, i am ok thanks.

18-05-11, 19:59
Oh I also have to provide stool sample (tmi) as scan did not check bowel. He said ok sample and ok bloods should reassure me that nothing is going on there. Hoping this pain and burping go soon tho ... But thinking that adopting healthier lifestyle may help reduce anxiety :)

Was thinking about you and logged in to see how you got. on......GOOD RESULT :yesyes::yesyes:

I reckon when the anxiety fades so will the symtoms you have a clean bill of health :D


30-05-11, 23:33
Hi Mel,

Sorry not replied - I have not been around for the past couple of weeks (feel bad as so much lovely support on here, but needed some time to give myself some normality and switch off / block out my HA fears). I am of course relieved about scan and bloods but still have the pain in lower right side, sometimes def in abdomen, sometimes def in hip. I wonder if it could be muscular? And so I am trying to sit better etc. The healthier lifestyle is slow going. I am trying particularly to cut down on alcohol as I know it fuels anxiety plus not good for me. (Was having couple of glasses wine to unwind, block the anxiety most nights but now only 3 a week and often just one glass). Drs comment about slightly fatty liver has also set me off a bit :( even though dr only said it in passing and did not say i needed to do anything... it is there worrying me now. How are you doing? How is the acid, is it back under control with the meds? I am still burping, but a lot less than before (and no meds, so maybe anxiety?) Thanks for all of your support xxx

31-05-11, 19:37
Hi :D

I,m still burping but my stomach is deffo on the mend again , infact i havn,t thought about it all day so it musn,t have burned :yesyes:

I,m cutting back on the booze from now on and going on a diet to get back to some sort of what is now normal for me , but as you say its slow and hard going :mad:
Stay well and nice to hear from you :D