View Full Version : Please help me...Lymph nodes

04-05-11, 14:41
I am nearly 25 weeks pregnant and a few weeks ago I noticed an enlarged lymph node at the bottom of my neck where my shoulder meets neck and another one about half way up my neck. I have not been able to stop checking them and am sure the one half way up has got bigger. Yesterday I noticed that I have a pain near my collarbone when I swallow and so am really freaking out. My neck feels like it is bruised and I cant stop swallowing as I want to check if the pain is still there. I keep thinking there is a mass in my neck or something and the anxiety is so bad over it. I cant think of anything else. My Doctor did a full blood count which was normal and is sending me for an ultrasound as she can see how this is affecting me. Please can someone help me. I know this is not good for the baby :weep:

worried girl
04-05-11, 16:03
Hello Sunflower,

I understand how you feel. I had this worry about lymph nodes for years and I ended up overcoming it. I do feel lumps in my neck and have so for years. I saw the doctors many times they sent me for blood tests and all turned out fine. I was however still worried for two years. The only way I found to feel better was simply to completly stop checking. I went through a course of CBT and that was their main advice. It was hard at first but only a day after I stopped I started feeling better. Now it is been 18 months since I last checked. I know they are still there but they do not bother me anymore. I know it sounds silly but we do fuel our anxiety. I now worry about other things but this very one is out of my mind. Many people can feel their lymph nodes and they not all ill. If your doc was slightly worried you would be on a 2 weeks oncology referral. PLease try not to check and be patient you will feel better very soon.

04-05-11, 16:19
Thank You. I am so scared. I just keep feeling sick. My Husband gets upset when I keep checking my neck but I cant help it :weep:

worried girl
04-05-11, 16:26
I know my boyfriend was the same with me. He ended up shouting at me everytime he saw my hands near the area... He was right though... Try something, don't allow yourself to touch for one day and see how you feel. If your symptoms are not as strong then surely it is in your head. I tried it and after a day I realise I did not feel as much tightness in my neck, I though weird then carried on and now I never feel anything anymore.

04-05-11, 16:53
Thank You. I will try not to touch it. I am glad you have managed to get over it. The worrying is hell. I just keep thinking it must be something sinister as why else would they get bigger? Also its all bad news on the net when you read about lymph nodes. Good luck with your health anxiety x

macc noodle
04-05-11, 17:05
Hey sunflower7,

Sorry to hear you having such a grotty time with your worry over your neck.

Your blood count would have shown lymphoma (I presume this is what you are worrying about?) but it was fine and your GP would have had you down at the hospital in a flash if they were worried about your symptoms.

What did they say about them - can they feel them too? Did they suggest localised infection and suggest antibiotics?

I have to tell you that I had a swollen lymph node in my neck from being 17 to about 25!! Didn't do me any harm - except drive me mad keep prodding and poking it.

Try and relax and enjoy your pregnancy - I am sure that these naughty nodes are nothing to worry about.



04-05-11, 23:51
Hi Sunflower, I too have a raised lymph node on my neck - it has been there at least 6-7 years. I checked it with the Dr as jumped to HA sufferer's natural conclusion... he said many people have them. They come up at some stage with an infection etc and never go back down. He even showed me (and let me feel!) his - he had it during medical school and is now in early fifties. I too have had CBT and key is to stop the checking as it really does fuel the anxiety. Be reassured by the fact you have had it checked - as Jan and Worried girl say, if they were in ANY way concerned the Dr would refer you to double check. By stopping checking and prodding too you will find it will probably settle down too as prodding will make it sore etc.

In fact I have just checked for you chick and mine is still there :)

Try to ignore it and concentrate on your exciting time ahead

love flumpkin xx

05-05-11, 00:18
Hello there! Another post I can put my hand up and say 'yep me too' - I was insanely worried when this first happened, I had panic attacks and all sorts. My gp was away on holiday and the dumb idiot I saw sent me for a test at the hospital to see if it was cancerous!!! Obviously it wasn't and when my gp came back from his holiday he explained to me that sometimes they flare up and as has been said in this thread, don't always go back down. He was amused the other guy sent me to the hospital. I've definitely been fighting some sort of infection as the last week or two they've been back up again. It's jsut your body doing it's thing, I still from time to time check them, but I don't need to really, I know when they're up. It just turns into a nasty habit really like checking your pulse. Hope you feel better soon!

05-05-11, 13:53
Just want to thanks everyone for your help. It seems that quite a few of us can feel lymph nodes. I keep feeling pressure just above my collarbone and am imagining allsorts :weep: Can anxiety make you imagine pain?? It feels so real to me.

macc noodle
05-05-11, 14:01
Yes Sunflower7 - anxiety is great at that :mad:
Drives you mad!


05-05-11, 14:30
Thanks again for your help. I find it so difficult to believe anxiety is causing my symptoms. Raised nodes, a bit of pain when swallowing and pressure above my collarbone. I cant stop thinking about it although I have not checked myself as many times today. Trying my best. Good luck everyone xx

10-05-11, 12:02
I totally understand where you are coming from and feel for you i really do. I am in the same situation with my lymph nodes as we speak, i have some in each side of my neck I can feel. I am currently waiting to have a wisdom tooth out this month and its infected so obviously this is the reason there up, but its hard to be assured by that as you read allsorts onm the internet about them and there not good! All i can say is try not to keep touching them as they can flare up more and stay around alot longer, and try using just this website, dont google lymph nodes it only hightens your anxiety, trust me ! and yes im sure anxiety can cause allsorts, especially what you ate saying you feel. Try and relax as hard as it is ! x