View Full Version : Very dry nose and throat, feeling fant...Just a head cold?

04-05-11, 16:21
Warning: horribly structured, senseless rambling ahead :)

Hi all, feeling pretty awful at the moment :( I've just come back from a bit of a horrible episode at my local supermarket. Was meant to be shopping with my mum but I ended up hunched over in the toilets trying not to pass out =/

I came over all faint all of a sudden and my head felt like it was jammed in a vice. My eyes feel very red and sore also, and there feels like a lot of pressure on my head and as if my ears are blocked, like they need "popping".

Since around 4pm yesterday I've been suffering from a VERY dry nose, throat and mouth. I'm not dehydrated though, so it's possible just an infection, however my tonsils and glands are NOT swollen, which strikes me as a bit odd. It's not exactly sore, just very dry and sticky feeling. Not pleasant.

Does this sound like a kind of headcold to you? I can't remember the last time I got a headcold that was DRY. Mine are usually accompanied by an overload of mucus. Here my nose and throat feel like sandpaper. I'm a tad confuzzled.

Your thoughts would be most welcome. Not having a very good day so far :) xxx

04-05-11, 18:51
No replies? Anybody? :shrug: