View Full Version : is this a panic attack?

macc noodle
04-05-11, 17:00
Well, having a rubbish time with my HA over OC worries and my head is all over place!

BUT been to Sainsburys for a few bits and bobs came out and walking to car just felt like I couldn't breathe as if my throat and nose were closed up - in seconds I was trembling, shaking, heart racing, head pounding, I was so damned hot!

Seriously considered "999" as i felt I was truly dying BUT being terrified of hospitals did not make that an option for me!

I threw my shopping in the car and tried desperately to ring someone to talk to - no one bloody answered :doh:

Grabbed a carton of apple juice to see if I could calm down - utterly convinced I was about to pass out or die.

Found a friend who had a chat with me outside school gates - told her my current HA worries were driving me mad and I thought I was having panic attack. She really helped me BUT 2 hours later I still feel weird -still feel as if my nose and throat are closed off, still feeling hot, anxious.

You know, I haven't had panic attacks for 16/17 years and can't really remember them being this scary

Do you think it was panic or a true medical problem? (by asking this I am not saying that panic is not a true medical problem but I am sure you know what I mean).


paula lynne
04-05-11, 17:32
Oh mate, I think it was a panic attack yes.:huh:
Bless you. Its hard when it creeps up on you after years of being panic free. Why dont you refresh yourself with the info on panic and coping stratergies in the left hand column?

And you need to go BACK to sainsburies SOON, dont let your panic start telling you sainsbury=panic.............jump back on the bike love, I know its scary, but its really important you nip this in the bud.

Im sending you massive hugs and want to say...keep going chick, you aint beat yet!
Love Paula xxxxxx :bighug1:

paula lynne
04-05-11, 18:29
Thanks for the PM Jan x



anx mum
04-05-11, 18:36
Hiya hun how u feeling now? This is a panic attack believe me ive had so many its horrible when u cant breath thats the worst symptom.

macc noodle
04-05-11, 18:56
So now my jaw aches, me ears feel bunged up and I still feel like someone is strangling me - are you guys sure that this isn't heart related - like my arteries are furred up cos I am overweight and unfit??????


paula lynne
04-05-11, 19:06
Jan ring NHS Direct if you feel unwell/never had this before.......045 46 47
Love Paula x

macc noodle
04-05-11, 19:21
Jan ring NHS Direct if you feel unwell/never had this before.......045 46 47
Love Paula x

Paula - it is coming and going so think it is just panic

hamster lady
04-05-11, 19:28
Hi macc noodle, I'm so sorry to hear that you have had a difficult day with your anxiety, how are you feeling now? When I have a severe panic attack I also feel very hot, my palms sweat, my heart races and I feel like I can't breathe, it is so frightening. I hope you feel better soon and your symptoms begin to wear off, please let us know how you are doing.:flowers: