View Full Version : a few things to ask - heart, pulse, breathing etc..

04-05-11, 19:25
Hi there,

I have suffered from anxiety for a while now and its really starting to get me down dramatically. I have been experienceing some very unusual symptoms and wondered if you could help me by telling me whether they are normal or not. They ares:

- Pain in pulse in neck when pulse is going fast, i get a random spazam like feeling on one side of my neck and the other side is going the normal beat, this happens alot and stops when i put my hand on it. :(

- Random moments of breathlessness which send me into horrific panics, they are almost like i have to really gasp to get the air in, then it stops.

- Pain in ears and weird ear wax taste in my mouth, its almost making me gag and feels like im chokeing.

I have recently seen a doctor and they tested my heart and breathing and they say everything is fine, i think different to this. :(

Please somebody help!!

04-05-11, 20:42
It's very common to think the way you are thinking. In other words doubting what your doctor has told you.

The main thing is that your doctor has checked you out and told you everything is fine, so please trust that conclusion. It will be anxiety related.

Have a look at the symptoms section on the left hand side of the web page and it will help clarify.

anxious eddy
04-05-11, 21:05
hi im having a bit of a tough time at the moment and my irrational thoughts of the dreaded c word are at the helm again, i know with perserverence and believing in what your doctor tells you wou will be fine again. i have come to a sort of acceptance to how my mind plays these tricks on me,but i do have to say its becoming harder ive found this site tonight and im hoping some reassurance will make me a little better. i hate what i have become when my anxieties are at there extreme, im never usually a liar or manipulative but im finding it easier and easier to do just so i can get the scans tests etc just so i can be reassured im not really ill .but today is a tough day im having the cold waves of panic ebbing from my toes to my head and i darent turn on the tv in case a health programmes on.... i wish i had a magic wand!!!