View Full Version : having an attack right now...

16-04-06, 04:27
just got back from work, waitressing (shouldn't be cuz of my ankle injury..but need money), and right at the end of my shift I felt an attack come on....no tirgger so I know it it panic...and I have not had a panic attack really since I started my meds again. I feel like my chest is going to cave right in...thankfully I got some of my clonazapam yesterday, and took 2 mg. of it....I find in panic I need at least that mcuh to make me feel normal, but my psychiatirst still will only prescribe 0.5 mg. He wants to up my Effexor, but I don't want to. He doesn't want to up my clonazapam because it can become addictive, but what is the difference really if you up that or the Effexor..which you HAVE to take everyday. I was really freakin out....inside I mean..when I get attacks I feel nauseous sometimes, and I feel like my heart is racing way to fast, and my chest is closing in...I sometimes use an inhaler to help open up my airways..and I get wicked bad shakes.....I just need to wait for the meds to kick in..I am trying to breathe slow and relax my mind...trying to defuse myself. It has been like what 3 months....since I had a real attack like this. I just need to get through it.

16-04-06, 05:13
I can relate to you here, as I have anxiety attacks but don't like taking too many Diazepam because they can become addictive. Having said that, I could take a stronger dose or additional tabs before I got in that zone.

Maybe I should have taken one before I went to bed tonight, as instead I just woke up with a yukky attack.

Hope this panic is just an isolated case.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

16-04-06, 10:55
Hope you are feeling better now blondeangel.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

16-04-06, 18:44
thank you ...
I am feeeling better..I had to take like 3mg of clonazapam to feel normal...Iknow that my tolerance to them is higher so I need more...but like I said my psychiatrist won't prescribe me 1 mg clonazapam.... and would rather me up my effexor. I don't want to....it is my body that the pills are going into, and I don't want to be dependant on a drug every day. It is so weird that he won't upmy dosage on the meds I take occassinally because they can become addictive, but he will up my meds on meds I take daily....where is the logic there?? Because you do become dependant on the daily meds, and if yo come off them, it is not easy. (I know because I came off them 3 years ago...but now I am back on them). It was scary, because I hadn't had one since I have beeen on my meds...I hate them...they sneak up on me, and I feel like I am going to suffocate or something, because my chest feels like it is going to collapse. And afterwards my body feels tense, and tired, becasue I get the skakes too during my attacks.
I feel way better today...and I have major homework to do, but i am going to take it easy...I am taking a break now from a law paper...but actually is not very hard...just takes time.
Thanks again...I am feeling better...but again I had to take a fair bit of my clonazapam to do it...but today I feel fine...I was a bit grumpy when my cats BOTH woke me up. Usually they wake me up because they have no food/water. Romeo was pawing at my face, and walking on my pillow around my head...and they aren't allowed on my pillows..and they don't go on them..so it was like he knew I would wake up (smart cat), and Juliet just stared at me. And when I got up they had water, and food....I think they just wanted me to wake up...and I hate being woe up! Anyways...I am ok, thanks...but it was scary last night for me, and I was hoping someone would be on here...but luckily my boyfriend came on msn, and that helped.
Oy....I want these friggin panic attacks to go away and never come back....and I am going to fight them buggers!!

16-04-06, 20:39
They always come when you least expect them!
Glad you feel better and you will beat these we all will just takes time and perseverance.
Well done for gettin through it.
stacey xxxx


16-04-06, 23:32
It's a good thing you saying you don't want to stay on tablets long-term, I have heard they can become very addictive and have unpleasant side-effects. It's always better to actually cure or treat the anxiety itself rather than just mask it with tablets. I'm taking homeopathy which is helping. I'm also using positive and 'realistic' thinking which helps keep the panic from building up.