View Full Version : Mouth/Nose Breathing

04-05-11, 23:15
How do you know if you breathe through your nose or if you breathe through your mouth?

In my opinion I am a mouth breather which is not good but how do i know for sure?

04-05-11, 23:20
I am a mouth breather.

Hold your nose and see if you breathe ok then close your mouth and try to just breathe through your nose.

One won't feel right to you

04-05-11, 23:21
Do you find breathing uncomfortable with you breathing through your mouth? Do you get a constant dry mouth at all?

04-05-11, 23:35
I think I must do a bit of both to be honest but I know at night I breathe through my mouth more.

If you have problems breathing then you are not doing it correctly and you can re-train yourself to breathe properly.

One of the website pages on the left explains abdominal breathing. I think it is the how to cope page.

04-05-11, 23:46
I tried doing what you said but i didn't have too much trouble when holding my nose or when closing my mouth.

05-05-11, 00:00
Well that is good then really.

What is your concern over all of this?

05-05-11, 00:17
My concern is my mouth being dry a lot and my lips, My mouth gets sticky sometimes as i have to keep licking my mouth and lips as it gets dry constantly.

05-05-11, 00:24
ok so this is from the symptoms page on the left:

Dry mouth

What you feel:

You find it hard to swallow because of a lack of saliva. Your tongue feels dry or sticky.
What causes this:

High stress biology reduces saliva in order to prepare the body for action. Sustained high stress biology produces a dry mouth.

05-05-11, 00:35
Thank you, that decription though says the tongue feels dry and sticky, my mouth and lips feel the same.

05-05-11, 01:21
Get some vasiline :) my lips sometimes get too dry and the skin can start to peel but lip balm helps alot