View Full Version : I'm panicking now. Help me please

05-05-11, 00:58
Help Me please,
I remember falling asleep at half past eleven, I just woke now its 1am and I'm shaking bad inside and my heart is going quite fast. I've been trying to ignore it, calm myself and relax it away but I can't :'(.
It feels like my heart is beating fast in jelly, that's not normal and I'm panicking now. Something bad is wrong with me right now.
When i came to bed I was relaxed and happy and comfy , now I'm on edge, very very frightened and I need help.
What's wrong with me

05-05-11, 01:05
Im not hyperventilating, my breathing is at axstrady pace but it also feels like when I'm breathing it's "shaking" on every breath :'(
I'm not going to sleep now I'm too scared

05-05-11, 01:08
Your description of your symptoms are very typical of a "panic attack" I've had many of them. Be assured you will not suffer any physical harm. What you're experiencing is very frightening I know. Have you been to a medical practitioner previously about this or is this your first experience of such a thing? If you need to . . . find your local health service emergency contact . . . maybe mental health services crisis number or similar . . . they will know what to do. You will be OK. Hope this helps

05-05-11, 01:18
Hello yes I have seen a doctor with anxiety, they just reassure me and give me pills that I can't take for fear of side effects :(
I can't call anyone as I will wake my kids and husband. How stupid am I eh, I'm lying here in bed on my phone too scared and ashamed to wake my husband at this time of night with this.
I come here for anyone who can understand me.
I'm still too scared to move a inch

05-05-11, 01:28
WHY?????? :weep:

jelly flash
05-05-11, 01:57
i know it's horrible linda, just try and get through it and it will hopefully pass

can you access the chat rooms here?