View Full Version : Tight wrist at night

16-04-06, 05:05
It's been a long time since my anxiety has woken me up at night, but at 3.20am this morning - yuk!

I woke up a really tight right hand wrist. I've had this a number of times before, but only upon waking normally at say 8am. Does anyone suffer this. Those of us who have been woken with anxiety know how frightening it is, even if its a problem we have encountered during daytime.

Friday afternoon I was fine, the best I'd actually been for weeks - I went out for a drive to another town and strolled around the shops, and had no reaction. I thought maybe a good omen.

Saturday, I visited my aunt in Dorset - she's my mum's sister, and my brother and three cousins were there too - all to see my aunt in her nursing home - she has cancer and has suffered a stroke, but still looked good.

I was driven home, and halfway back I felt a lot of tension quite suddenly and was suffering quite badly all evening.I eventually went to bed just before 2 and at 3.20 I had this rude awakening.

Why? I really do think my visit, enjoyable as it was, set off some emotional triggers. We actually remarked today how much my aunt looked like my mum (who died last summer), and in addition my brother showed a slide show to my aunt showing the history of my mum in pictures. My aunt was of course thrilled to see this, especially those going back to when they were children. Added to which I was aware of my aunt's health issues.

I need to write this, as I try to recover from this 'night terror'. I did ring NHS Direct, mainly as a comfort I think, and I know I just have to let this heal.

Thanks for listening.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

16-04-06, 09:28
Hi Ray, Probably not a very useful answer I know but could it be computer related.
I wake up with terrible terrors, try not to get out of bed though,I know a lot of it is due to the situation Im going through at the moment but
I often have pain between in my hands and my shoulders and wonder if its because Ive been sat here and the tension whilst here if that makes sence.
Glad you got to see your Aunt etc, I know how low you felt last week so this is an achievement in itself.
When you find the answer and can get a full nights sleep ,,, share the secret.

16-04-06, 09:38
Hi Ray, you may have answered your own question there, you opened up some emotion on your visit. You know anxiety can show itself in many different ways and this may be just one of them.
Hoping your feeling a little better today ray and managed to get some sleep. Happy easter , tara xx

16-04-06, 09:41
Hi Ray

sorry you feel so grotty today - but I reckon it often comes on after a positive day - I was talking about that in CBT this week - you kind of relax and then over react to the sensation of 'letting go' a bit, so much of our anxiety is about control and pushing away feelings. When we open up to one emotion, others sneak in the door!!!

I hope you are feeling calmer now and maybe even get a little more sleep. Did NHS direct help?

You are doing so well and so much - bloomin blips[8D]

Good luck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

16-04-06, 12:09
Thanks Alexis, Tara and Fee.

The NHS helped as much as they could, given that I probably really knew what the problem was in the first place. They merely confirmed what I thought might be the cause and so I didn't really know if they knowledgable or just agreeing with me.

Interesting to hear about the overreaction to a good day, as unusually I got jittery just before going to bed that night, which is unusual - I'm usually calming down at this point!

This anxiety is so full of bloody surprises!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

16-04-06, 15:39
Hi ya mate,

Sounds like a mixed bag sort of a day - sometimes it doesn't really matter why what or where anxiety was triggered and we are best to just deal with the anxiety as it stands (I wanted some sort of latin word for that expression but since I have enough trouble with english perhaps I'll leave it).

Funny thing about the wrist - a few months back I kept getting this <s>itermediate</s> intermitent soreness in my left wrist and couldn't even do my yoga sometimes - I had it x-rayed and nothing showed up and now I haven't had it again for some time - who the hell knows if that is yet another anxiety symptom. I do seem to be getting a mouse shoulder though :D:D

Big hugs mate - you are alright now so put last night away and come and chat on msn:D:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.