View Full Version : Dr convinced me im going to have a stroke...

05-05-11, 07:18
anyway i went to the dr and they checked my blood pressure and it was through the roof 150/100 (i get very nervous before the dr) then they were like wow thats high and checked it again.. since i was scared it went up to 168/110.. she put me on some bp meds that im afraid to take since they make me feel funny like and tired. and she even told me with my bp like "that i am going to have a stroke" .. . either way ive been freaking out for the last 12 hours thinking im going to have stoke. im a 29 male with no other health problems

macc noodle
05-05-11, 07:30
How stupid of the doc. It would be highly unlikely that you would have stroke at 29.

Do you have health anxiety? You should ask them to repeat the BP test before you start meds - there is an awful lot of talk at the moment about patients being over medicated on BP meds because their BP readings are high when taken in docs. Mine is either perilously high or low - you cant win with it - my doc ignored my readings and we are concentrating on reducing anxiety levels.

Go back and ask more questions and tell them how you feel - ask for a 24hr BP monitor to records measurements throughout the period for a longer period of evaluation for them to base medication on.

Good luck

05-05-11, 07:57
thanks and yes i have really bad health anxiety, i used to convince myself i was either having a heart attack, stroke, brain tumor ect....
i pretty have a panic attack just knowing i have to go to the doctors that day. i can control my anxiety for the most part without meds. i have some that i can take if i need it but i usually dont.. i have no way of checking my bp because every time i go near a bp machine i get nervous as hell.. the only times i really have very bad anxiety these days is right before i go to the doc and then right after i go to the doc.

macc noodle
05-05-11, 08:24
You really do need a 24hr evaluation whilst carrying out normal activities.

Go and ask for it before you commit to the meds.

05-05-11, 11:00
i just hate how the dr did that to me.. i was perfectly fine till i saw her now im afraid to not take this medication while im afraid to take it at the same time..

05-05-11, 14:34
That was bad on part of the doctor to react that way.

Lots of people get "white coat syndrome" with BP readings. Just to rationalise things...my BP reading was 150/90 which I thought was high but my GP assured me that it was fine owing to my anxiety and results of FBC were very good.

05-05-11, 22:04
I had higher BP then that on my readings last year but the dr never said anything like yours did, just tried his best to relax me and was rational and quite nice really, went back and it was ok. I cannot believe the dr said that to you, I dont understand how making you more scared like that is a good way to treat a patient who suffers from anxiety, hope you can calm down and your BP levels out ok (i am sure it will!) good luck with it all


06-05-11, 08:00
yeah, shes a new doctor i just moved to a new place so i have only seen her twice now. after doing some family research on the blood pressure thing ive found that most of my uncles have been on bp meds since they were 30 or so and my father at 40. im gonna have her do that 24 hour test but im probably going to have to suck it up deal with taking the meds. i honestly really hate taking new pills after i get a new one i sit and analyze every feeling in my body for days. i have even managed to give myself panic attacks because i was taking ativan.

06-05-11, 22:34
I wouldn't accept the pills as inevitable yet, I've charted a BP of 170/120 at the height of one of my freak-outs, but usually I'm a comfortable 115/75. Your GP was totally irresponsible to react like that to one instance of raised BP; she needs to give you a 24 hour test at minimum. Could you buy / borrow a blood pressure monitor? I got one for while I was pregnant, and though for a while I got stressed every time I took my BP, I soon got used to it. If you can get some normal readings you'll be reassured and might escape medication; if it's genuinely high at least you'll know...