View Full Version : blood in urine

05-05-11, 09:48
Hi has anyone who has had a urine infection still had blood in there urine when they have finished there antibiotics x

05-05-11, 10:16
I know about this one! I have what they call persistent haematuria - blood is always present in my urine, in small amounts. Usually they'll wait a month or so then retest you, because often the inflammation after an infection can take a while to clear up, so it may well be something which goes away on its own :). If it's still there, depending on your age and general health, they may do nothing at all - if you tested 100 people, apparently around 10 of them would have blood in their urine, and it doesn't usually indicate anything sinister.

If your doctor does want to investigate further (generally if you're a bit older, or a smoker, or have other risk factors), they may do a blood test to check your kidney function, and an x-ray and ultrasound to see if you have a kidney stone causing some bleeding, which is another common cause, and if everything looks OK with your kidneys and tubes. If all these things check out OK, the final test they did on me was a flexible cystoscopy, when they put a tube with a camera on into your bladder for a look around.

In my case, they did all of the above, and everything looked great - I join the many people who just have blood in their wee for some reason! So they just check my kidney function every year to make sure nothing is happening. My GP was really reassuring and said that she has several people like me, one of whom has been having his annual check for 20 years and nothing has ever showed up.

I hope this isn't too much detail, the main thing I wanted to say was this isn't at all unusual and usually nothing is wrong. (Of course, I spent the entire time while I was being checked out being convinced I was going to have kidney failure or something, but I was very glad to be proved wrong! :D)

05-05-11, 11:00
thankyou onlysmee ive just had a liver and kidney function test for some meds im on that was fine and i have had blood in my urine before for no reason which had gone when they retested that was about 9 yrs ago but i have a very slight bladder prolapse which causes some discomfort most of the time but when i got the infection it got worse and they said i had blood/protein and white blood cells in my urine so gave me antibiotics

05-05-11, 11:33
It's really good you've had a normal kidney function test, that makes it even more likely that it's something that will just pass on it's own like it did before.

05-05-11, 13:35
hi just had a call from gp the antibiotics i took has not touched the urine infection so they have to send a urine sample to the lab for a culture to see what type of bacteria it is so they can give me the correct antibiotics has this happened to anyone else should i be worried x

06-06-11, 03:22
bronte, how did things work out for you? I fear I am having the same problem as you were - just did a round of antibiotics, thought I was fine, now the blood and need to pee is coming back again. :(

06-06-11, 12:36
im the same when i had urine test at drs she said they was blood /protein and white blood cells in urine and said the infection hadnt gone so i did another sample which they sent off to lab for culture this was the same day as first urine sample and the second came back clear i dont understand it i still have the bladder discomfort and everything x