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05-05-11, 10:40
Hi everyone,
Its been reassuring to know that there are others out there going through the same experiences.
I wanted to share what i have been going through. This has been going on for the last 6 years or so (on and off). Though i have to say the last year it appeares to have reached what i see as another level.
I have been through these past years in A/E approx 3 to 4 times.
I have worked out there can be some triggers but at same time it can unexpected. I have been suffering from anxiety daily now for what seems a long time. I would like to describe the symptons and maybe get your views or experiences:

Tight stomach / uncomfortable feeling in stomach.
Difficulty with breathing. Some days I feel I cannot get my breath /shallow breaths which tends to lead onto excessive heavy burping.
Difficulty swallowing.
Difficulty talking when very anxious.
Tense/ anxious feeling often on a daily basis.
Daily shakes and trembling, more severe when experiencing what I would say is a panic attack.
Palpitations, these I have as you are aware been happening for many years. They are more pronounced when anxious and feel either like a missed beat or ‘spasm’ / butterfly type feeling. When experiencing a panic attack they have taken the form of very fast beats.
Chest pain / tight chest: only really experienced when feeling very anxious/ panic attacks.
Light headness
Hot sweats / night sweats.
Dry mouth
Loose stools
The feeling of doom/ as if I will die.
When experiencing a panic attack the above feel much more pronounced but I also feel very like I will pass out,(very light headed) shake uncontrollably, tingle in hands etc.
Its the tight / uncomfortable stomach that seems to be with me daily, also the shortness of breath/ not getting full breath that i feel frustrating. I often cannot seem to stop thinking about it..constantly.
The above are all the more severe when it expereince a panic attack.
My Gp wanted to put me on some heavy medication but i have chosen to start Cognitive behavioural therapy privatley (as their is a long waiting list on NHS), if this does not work then maybe i'll consider the medication route but i'm hoping this will help me. I just want my old life back.
The anxiety / panic can come at any time and has been effecting my job now. I have suffered quite a bit while driving as well as at home and socially.
Anyway apoligies if i have rambled i wanted to share my experience and feel it can often be theraputic just getting it off my shoulders.
Thanks for reading this.

05-05-11, 10:41
Hi Cormac01

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-05-11, 10:45
it's anxiety,i had been through all of your symptoms.. try to read other peoples pst here it will help

05-05-11, 11:39
hi there I found the stuff in the coping section (on the left) really helped, I think that just the matter of fact way people share here helps too.

05-05-11, 12:47
Hi and :welcome:to NMP .Im sure you will find plenty of support here .Luv Sue x