View Full Version : When did it start

05-05-11, 12:06
I was reading another post where some one was suffering from anxiety as a child. Then I remembered my mum telling taales of how I used to scream if anyone looked in my pram (50 years ago now), she would duck into doorways and up side streets.

I don't know what I'm trying to say here, are we predisposed to panics and anxiety or is it something we learn or is it something else.

I'd be interested to hear other peoples veiws

thanks for reading my slightly batty post:blush:

05-05-11, 13:24
HI Valmay

It is meant to be hereditary apparantly.

I have had anxiety since i was a kid but got worse since getting older, my nan had it also my mother amd uncle has it, now my youngest son has it, dr says it's a combinationj of that and learned behaviour.
Whatever, seems we can't win.