View Full Version : help im at a loss what to do next!!!

levonia 62
05-05-11, 13:36
Hi hoping somebody can help or advise???
Im a 36 mum of two and over the last 3 weeks or so have felt unwell, the derealisation or detached feeling has taken over. I have been to my gp on numerous occasions!! ( who thinks Im a lunatic!!) and have complained of pain inbetween my shoulder blades which is like a burning pins and needles/ tingleing sensation!! He sent me for a chest xray which was all clear and has done full blood counts, liver funtion, thyroid and others which have all come back within the normal ranges so he has told me that if anything was wrong there would be an indicator in the bloods??? Is this true???
He has told me to go away for three weeks and come back if still probs but im at my wits end!!
He put me on citalopram 10mg which i took for11 days and now im up to 20 which i have taken for the past 7 days!! still feel a detached feeling and i just want to sleep. Im struggleing and i feel my gp has fobbed me off.
Any reassurance or advice would be much appreciated:weep:
Im also convinced there is something wrong with my throat im continually swallowing feeling for lumps!!