View Full Version : Diabetes scare now :-(

05-05-11, 14:58
Hi everyone, I've got myself a bit worked up about diabetes.

Can it make drinking worse as I find myself unable to tolerate as much alcohol recently and get drunker faster. I have 'blacked out' a couple of times recently after going out and it's worrying me.

I felt really weak, dizzy and confused today at about 1:45, before I ate. I had a really small breakfast before that at about 8:30 so wouldn't have expected that to happen. I'm really worried I am diabetic and scared to drink anymore incase it puts me into a coma or something - to make it worse I'm supposed to be going on a stag weekend tomorrow :(
Not sure what to do.

05-05-11, 15:25
Hi ,You can buy Uristix from a good chemist that you can check your urine for Glucose .If you are blacking out due to Alcohol its because you are drinking far too much .This is not good for your liver either .Always have something to eat before you drink and drink moderately .Im sure you dont need to keep up just for the sake of it .It could also cause Alcoholic poisoning and you could choke on your own vomit .Have a good weekend and one to remember would be better .:winks:Sue x

05-05-11, 22:15
I would think diabetes is the least of your worries! On the feeling weak and dizzy if you haven't eaten from 8.30am to 1.30pm then you would have low blood sugar as you should eat every 3-4 hrs so this is understandable.
Maybe go and see your Dr and explain about your excessive drinking and they will do blood tests to check your liver and glucose levels.

05-05-11, 22:53

The first symptoms of diabetes are excessive thirst, peeing a lot, unexplained loss of weight and extreme tiredness - i should know I've had it for 15 years!

Your GP can run a simple blood test which will confirm your blood glucose level right away.

Meg x