View Full Version : Does Citalopram kill creativity?

05-05-11, 15:41
Hi, I've been prescribed Citalopram but haven't started taking it. I am a v creative person and a lot of my work is writing and coming up with ideas. I briefly (and I mean briefly, gave it up after about two days) took some antidepressant many years ago and just stared blankly at the page when it was time to write. Is Citalopram going to turn my mind to mush in this way (no offence to those on it!).

05-05-11, 15:46
Hi No it doesnt .But you may feel a bit off for about three weeks .Tiredness is common also but this can be helped by taking it at a different time .I take mine in the evening as I FEEL more awake in the afternoons .I do feel tired in the evenings tho .It will take your body 4-6 weeks to get used to it .After that you should feel the full benefit .T/c Sue x

05-05-11, 17:26
I would say anxiety has had a major effect on my creative side.
I'm a painter and with my anxiety I've recently been able to start lots of paintings but never finish them, I can't seem to finish them as I just can't get them perfect. I'm positive this is linked to my anxiety. I started taking citalopram about 3 weeks ago and still havnt managed to finish any, but I have been painting more in my time off work.
I would be interested to know how you get on with your creative side as i too sometims feel like I can't get the ideas out.

05-05-11, 21:05
Everyone is different. I found on the drugs that that I lacked creativity/problem solving abilities on 40mgs of Citalopram.

Seroxat was the same as well. It did however make me feel better :-)

06-05-11, 10:15
I'd describe myself as quite creative, but I don't think citalopram has affected it to any great extent. It's very good not to be feeling barking mad all the time! :D

06-05-11, 11:49
I don't think there is a definative answer.

Cit does not seem to affect my emotions at all, I have no numbing effect. Other people say that it fills their brain with cotton wool. My creativity is not effected, but alot of creative people especially comedians suffer from depression. Is depression more likely in a talented creative mind. Do we think too much?

Great artists often have a dark side.

06-05-11, 15:10
Many thanks for the replies. Time to give it a go, then!