View Full Version : Abdominal lump.

05-05-11, 15:44
I'm really worried about a small hard painless lump that has come up on the right hand side of my abdomen.A few years ago i had an op for a hiatus hernia but this new lump is further to the right and higher up to where the scar from the op is.I also have a weird feeling in my groin and i feel nauseas a lot of the time-although that may be down to the IBS and severe anxiety i suffer from.

I'm terrified i've got cancer and i'm not able to see my GP until next week.Also the thought of going to hospital sends me into a crazy panic.

Has anyone else had anything simlar.This new lump is on the right hand side of my abdomen and is roughtly halfway between my rib cage and navel.And as i said before it's to the right and above my old hernia scar.Thanks.

05-05-11, 15:50
Sounds like it could be a hernia .It can often happen when you have had a repair .It may just be a cyst tho or scar tissue .Doesnt sound like anything too serious .Try not to think of the worst .Luv Sue x:hugs:

05-05-11, 16:02
Thanks for the reply Sue.The thing is that this lump is under the skin and can't be seen or felt on the surface.I have to press to find it and it also doesn't move.Really terrified it's a tumour.

05-05-11, 16:13
Sounds like scar tissue .It can grow with time ..I really dont think its anything else .You can get cysts that feel like that .My hubby has one . All the anxiety of it is making your IBS worse .t/C sue :hugs: