View Full Version : Been having a heart attack for 2mths

05-05-11, 17:03
Hi im new just found this site as have been in a blind panic for past year that i am going to suffer 'sudden death!' either from chocking or heart attack and leave my children motherless. Ive now worked out i have health anxiety!:yesyes: i hope!

Im quite an anxious person anyway and worry about everything but this prob mainly started a year ago......

I ran to doctors clutching my throat thinking i was going to coke! he examined me and said i had globus?! and was hyperventilating(sp?) i couldnt shake the feeling for months, was given tabs for stomach ulcers the lot, but nothing wrong with me it just went on its own?

now that has passed, i have this stabbing/aching pain on my left side of chest!:scared15: i have had it for 2months now and every night i am in terror of dying!! i have rushed to hospital on two occasions and they have checked/ecgs/xray/bloods everything fine, suspected pulled muscle.........

but to go back to A&E if the pain gets worse or get short of breath:scared15:..these were the words that sent me into mad panic mode!!!!lol
now i keep having panic attacks that i cant breath and am gasping for breath, walk around with my mobile in house incase i need to call ambulance, and sit crying every night as im not getting better:shrug:

has anyone had pulled muscles? how long do they take to heal? i keep thinking i have angina or blood clot or something?

sorry for the long post, it felt good getting this off my chest:winks:

05-05-11, 17:18
hi there iv been having a heart attack for 3 yrs lol. i get lots of pains in my sternum middle of my chest ,i know how you feel it gets me every time the anxiety starts up . i do have silent acid reflux underneath i know its this but i still go into panic so Ur not alone

05-05-11, 17:36
lol, thanks for reply, yea every symptom i have is deadly! lol glad i found this site, im not the only one

05-05-11, 17:42
Hyperventilation can give you the chest pains that you describe, I suffer a lot with abnormal breathing patterns and the chest pains I get can be quite worrying at times. I also get an awful heaviness in the body but same as you all tests are ok.
The main thing is to accept that your symptoms and sensations are due to anxiety and that faulty breathing pattern and that breathing pattern will never cause a heart attack but it will drive you mad ha ha.

05-05-11, 17:56
Just to reassure you - heart attack pain is not felt over the heart - it is in the middle. Chest pain on the left is probably stress/muscular/tension

05-05-11, 18:47
thanks for the replys:D

it has put my mind at rest a little, when i panic about it the stabbing does get worse so it must be partly panic?

also good to know heart attacks in the middle!

i over think things and start to convince myself untill im in a frenzy:huh:

05-05-11, 21:20
Ive only joined today and i'm glad to hear somebody else walks around the house with the phone! i have the same issues with my chest at the moment too!

michelle :D

05-05-11, 22:18
Ive only joined today and i'm glad to hear somebody else walks around the house with the phone! i have the same issues with my chest at the moment too!

michelle :D

lol ive only joined today too, glad to see im not the only one with the hospital on stand-by:winks:

06-05-11, 13:21
fellow sufferers, i love the title of this thread - ive been having a heart attack for eleven years, its always the same thing, im not worried about cancer or ms or anything else horrible just a bloody heart attack. but im smiling now as i write this cos i havent had one yet and i dare say ill prably be thinking im having one for the rest of my days!!! what am i like??!!

i too suffer all of the same symptoms as you guys, leading to increased anxiety and more of the symptoms, ive ended up in hospital loads of times, ambulances called, tests done etc etc. all tests clear. now that should be speaking to me loud and clear but No, No, theyve missed something, theres defo something wrong with my heart!!! or so my mind tells me!!! and so ill prod and poke at my chest until it really IS sore which convinces me more, crazy person that i am.

so glad im not the only one, so thanks to original poster

hang in there everyone

06-05-11, 15:17
yea i think i sould take up the medical profession, as i always think the doctors are wrong! and diagnose myself with all sorts of life threatening illnesses, i always think they have missed something too :Dlol

06-05-11, 15:55
Hi anitaa.

I have gone thought a similar time as you in regards to chest pain. Have have several ecgs, stress test ecg, blood tests all because of chest pains sometimes i was so bad i would be doubled over in pain crying holding my chest.
But after all the trips to the docs and hospital have put that bit behind me now, after all the tests they tell me my heart is OK (listen to the facts that the test are fine).

Now the thing is with me the pain was coming from something called costochondritis (look it up if you have not already) it can make you feel like you are having a heart attack and pain around the center of the chest and shoulders and up to the jaw. BUT and i say BUT it is not a serious condition (it is a little under stud condition but not harmful) it can be brought on buy stress, sitting awkward, lifting stuff almost anything.

06-05-11, 16:01
Hi Anitaa,
A year ago, at the height of my depression, I suffered the same symptom you are having. It turned out that my anxiety made me so tense that my muscles ache, and I was not even aware that I was tense. I lived in fear that sooner or later, the symptoms would get worse and I would have a full blown heart attack. "It's anxiety.", my doctor told me, "You are so tense.". He made me face a mirror and pointed out that my left shoulder is higher than the right. It was because of the tension. He said that I had a heart desease, I wouldn't be able to do my morning run or hike for miles. It was hard to believe such reasoning when one was suffering major depression. I got better, slowly. And, here I am, still alive. I still run every morning. I hike every weekend.

Try to take it easy, Anitaa. Try this site: http://www.meditationoasis.com/podcast/listen-to-podcast/. It helped me to calm down, to relax, even to get a good night sleep.

06-05-11, 17:49
hi, thanks for your replys its reassuring to here your storys.

what done it for me was after they said all my tests were fine they said ' if you get short of breath or the pain gets worse dont sit at home come straight back to A&E!!!!

that made me think they were in two minds? and didnt know what was wrong! and it could be all sorts of things from blood clots to angina my mind has been running overtime and i have been waiting for the big pain/attack to come!!!!

06-05-11, 23:57
thanks tmcg147 I know exactly how you feel It is horrible but it makes me feel better that someone else feels it like me

08-05-11, 08:50
hi,ive been heart attacks and angina for years too,a lot this past few days lol, thats exactly how im feeling lately,when im walking,when im angry and stressed out electric shock type pain in my chest for few seconds...been to a lot of doctors and test all came back good..its hard convicing myself im fine despite all the test,:) reading your posts keeps me sane thank you