View Full Version : Afraid to take Lexapro

05-05-11, 17:28
My psychiatrist was really sweet and gave me some great advice. She's really good. I told her pretty much everything that's been happening to me and she ended up prescribing me Lexapro. She decided to start me on a really low dose (5mg) and slowly increase it, so I will have way less chances of having to deal with side effects. The thing is, I'M TERRIFIED OF NAUSEA. I can't feel nauseous. I'm supposed to be taking it now, but I just can't seem to be able to take that risk! Ugh! Plus I have a lot of things to get done today and I can't deal with ANY side effects!!

EDIT: I just took it. I'm so scared, omg :(((((

07-05-11, 15:04
I took Lexapro and had a really bad reaction to it...nearly every symptom on that awful sheet. However, I wasn't at all nauseous.

I really hope it works for you!

16-05-11, 01:07
Hi there. I'm new to this site but thought I would reply to your post.

I tried Lexapro a couple years ago for anxiety and panic. It was horrible - I too had every possible bad side-effect and stopped it after one week. Explained the outcome to my doc and she said she had never had any of her patients experience what I did.

Good luck - I know it's difficult, but we will get through this:)