View Full Version : Hi there

05-05-11, 18:08
Hey guys, I'm Matt. New to these forums.

Have been having panic attacks every night now for about a year, trouble with sleeping, started getting them daytime.

Been to the doctor 4 times, even dialled 999 one time.

Vitals all absolutely fine, nothing wrong there, doctor concluded it's anxiety and told me to 'give myself a talking to when it happens'. Helpful.

Went to another doctor, he's prescribed me with Prochlorperazine and said that I should give it a go for a week, see if it helps the nighttime issues. Also claims that most of my worries will go away shortly, he's blaming a mix of stress (getting married, moving, very intense job, all sorts of things that need sorting).

Anyway, have just started reading this website, and found some terrific stuff, so thanks for that!

05-05-11, 18:10
Hi MattyS

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-05-11, 20:27
hello :)