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05-05-11, 18:53
hi as anyone ever had a urine infection that hasnt responded to antibiotic i had to give another water sample to send o for culture to see what kind of bacteria grows so they can give me the right antibiotics because the first lot didnt work has anyone else had this happen to them x

06-05-11, 09:42
no one ?

06-05-11, 09:45
i had one that needed 3 types of antibiotics!!!! you see with antibiotics its a bit like trial an error as certain ones kill certain bacteria better than others....so it may just be the case that the ones you have taken were`nt the best to treat the particular infection you have. dont worry the 3rd lot of tablets i had were massive and stank of cat wee!!! everytime i burped i could smell them!! them got rid though xxx

06-05-11, 10:15
It's really common Bronte, especially as bugs become more and more resistant to antibiotics - the list of what will work gets shorter and shorter and it becomes more and more important to find the one that will specifically target what you have. The culture growth will tell them exactly what it is you need x

06-05-11, 10:25
thankyou so much bexy84 and janec you have both made me feel so much better have a lovely weekend xx
jayne x

06-05-11, 11:17
Hi Bronte, I get water infections all the time and I have often had to have 2 or 3 different antibiotics to cure it. The last time I had one at Xmas the doctor kept me on a low dose of antibiotics for 2 months to help keep infections at bay.

06-05-11, 18:15
thanks Ddcoo thats reasuring that it happens a lot x