View Full Version : Breathlessness and fatigue -even though you feel calm?

05-05-11, 19:01
I just thought I'd ask.. as I think breathlessness is one of the most horrid symptoms anyone with anxiety can have!
I got what seemed to be 'run down' a few weeks ago (with a weird nautious stomach), and since then breathlessness has appeared, now I've been telling myself it's anxiety, and just trying to rest mostly -not been into my part time voluntary work much over the last month because of how I've been feeling. The thing is I'd have thought if you're calm about it the symptom will disappear?!
I've been wondering if there's any chance of it being a gerd related type thing as before I got run down I had lots of indigestion and been getting a dry mouth.
Anyone have any advice on this? Or know why it seems to hang around, despite remaining fairly calm?

Answers appreciated!!

05-05-11, 20:23
Your breathlessness may be related to a breathing disorder caused by anxiety. Chronic hyperventilation Syndrome can give you breathless attacks. Also with the hyperventilation you maybe swallowing huge amounts of air, I believe it's called aerophagia.
Have a look on the web typing in Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome and see if it's a match to how you feel.

08-05-11, 13:36
Yes, exacly what Ronski has said! Hyperventilating is probably the biggest problem that goes unnoticed by anxiety sufferers. Try some breathing exercises, breathing in for 7 seconds and out for 9, or even in for 5 and out for 7 if you cannot breathe for 7 and 9. When I fist tried this I could only breathe in for 2 and out for 4, and I was breathing like that constantly. textbok chronic hyperventilaor I was!

Just breathe :)

08-05-11, 16:09
It could well be hyperventilating - but also something like anaemia? That can make you fatigued and out of breath.

09-05-11, 05:03
Yes, anaemia is also a common cause, good thinking Dahlia :) Try getting your iron levels tested.